The purpose of this blog post is to explain that a new informational outcome has been posted upon, as follows, below:
The Cannon Spheres Of Solarius And The Wyness Joi
Writistry By Orion Of The Oraii
November 22, 2011 Lakewood, Ohio, United States Of America
As a result of an Earth - Time - End Date being a timeline marked by the date of life - ending of Earth environment; in The 1999 Earth - Time - End Date, United States Of America was attacked by east and west - flanks of nuclear missiles from a submerged base of The Pacific with submarine launches as well. From The Atlantic were also submarine launches and the computer network, since it did not account for variations in firing technique such as within ocean icons, targets chosen were Europe as the firers were South America with supporting parties in Canada and Central America.
Europe was fired - upon by the United States' initiation through the computerized network, The Dynasys. The Europe Dynasys System pseudo - defensively fired -back, injuring the United States.
At first prose, the Eastern United States such as New York City and unique cities within the Eastern Systern Bay Area were attacked by the ocean outposts and for two hours, there was a 'break' episode of silence and statements...
The unity culture within the United States thought that it was 'rude', letting the system evaluate for itself what it would need do.
There had been time to check the system for the mistake, yet no one had.
So, after one last pardoning - option for this time sequence, evaluation was not committed.
It took a total of three - hours and fourteen - minutes from start - launch to last - impact to 'free' life from the bonds of this planetary conduct by through total recovering of most national bay areas through nuclear detonation and two hours later a pole - shifting took place and life was not possible on Earth, afterwards, with too much radiation even permeating through to Gaia Of The Earth Subtaire and on - through to other parts and even its Corex, as Earth's central - core part.
There is an apparent hazard and unique result as to Humans of Sol developing specialized planetary - capable weaponry.
There is a list of planets within Solarius, continuing Sol to the outer portions of the containing network of planetary spheres within The Sol Astral Orbital Retinue.Even outside the spheres of planetary routine, there are other astras which orbit Sol. These Sol - orbital Astras are such as Betelguise, Vega, Vendu, Vendi, Sonata, Schemti and a list containing others; possible to continue...
The system of technology which has placed an especially large planetary retinue and uniquely also astral spheres such as mentioned above, was developed by those of Akkadian - Sol Culture of Wyness Planetary Sphere Of Solarius within The Outer Welt.Wyness is populated by a continuence of a particular house - grouping of Akkaden Delf Unity Culture, The Wyness House.
Wyness is alongside Jagson House and Dardtor and as Jagson is relatively 'light' in aspect, Wyness is relatively 'dark' in aspect, as Dardtor is relatively amalgamate - based as a unity culture enlacing those two by support - continuing.
Wyness has also discovered metal - cylinders, Uofo, with information of important technology to after The Roud -- The 2012 Disaster Sequence -- intersterify Sol Astra with protonix energy, which is like a Sine wave light communicative energy of actual viviotomy -- it is charged by life continuals of The Fourth Dyne, part of The Fourth Degree as 'The Fourth Dimension'. A precluding standard of this was activated on November 2, 2011 by The Dewali Unity Culture Of Jupiter. After The Wyness' successful appreciation through application of this nux - vom - type technology, The Sol Astra will be The Wyness Joi as of a new type of 'astral' ensituation and metaphorically like a chimera hatching out of a cocoon for a time lasting a permitically 'golden' amount of time... It is in - part for us to enjoy.
The continuence of this interest includes explanation of The Skype Sphere, The Narcissus Sphere, The Styptic, The Iskenderun. These are all spheres and some of them are not actually planetary, since they do not hold ableness towards life as a continent - value.
Iskenderun does have a regular community and has less of a community, as of now, after a weaponous covering of the device the planet specified as unique.
To continue, The Skype Planetary Sphere Unity Culture developed a planetary - destructive cannon which split it in half.
The Narcissus Sphere developed a planetary - destructive cannon which both skyped it into a half by super - scalarizing half of its surface into non - functional supercondensed material in 'similation' to the 'big bang' material.
The Styptic Sphere developed a planetary - destructive cannon which divided it into many split parts which became spheres in a collapse - bunch.
The Iskenderun Sphere developed a planetary - destructive cannon which 'crystallized' its atmosphere as its core vaccumed all pressure between the surface and the atmosphere. This was in 2002.
Another two previous Earth - Time - End - Dates of 1412 and 1512 [] involved two warring states building two giant - sized scalar cannons to scalarize one - another's continental disunity cultures. The omicron beams utilizing electromagnetic (E.M.) Scalar - Frequency Output, cadeussed on transfer and spun Earth into a super - dense material known as The Super - Material which The Akkaden Delf is made of as indestructable but capable of being anti - mattered into a new retinue.
This turned Earth as spinning out of control and transmuting it into The Super - Material. It is to have a name as Plunuto as it collapses into Pluto and is waived into being a new specialized sphere after The Roud of ours, but situational in that timeline.
As for the 1999 Earth - Time - End Date mentioned above, there was a planetary destruction without even a military operation inclined. The others were life - ended in a like - pattern way and were placed as such due to inoperendi status -- they stopped activating empathy towards continuence and another ending condition just took over. They took over themselves.
I would call these spheres continuing 1999 E.T.E.D. Earth, 1412 E.T.E.D. Earth, 1512 E.T.E.D. Earth, Plunuto, Skype, Narcissus, Styptic, Iskenderun; The Cannon Spheres, since they all had their own cannon of warfare cannons deplete them of a need to continue active culture, since they will now stand as icons which teach about weapons.
They teach not only about effecting results of weapons technologies of specific kinds; but they offer a paradise of laughter in union, as well as potential motivation to welcome more peace into our lives. Within our hearts, there is loss; but from our minds, there are thoughts -- whispers of a voice never once - heard but resounding 'always'.
The activation of The Wyness Device to incur Sol as The Wyness Joi will destroy Wyness life as a self - destruct, harnessing a method of 'dark' heroism, in self - loss with a relatively 'selfless' result.
Also in this, I remember that The Native American Chief Geronimo had been with us as an agent within The Pegasus Operation initiating the same technology which Earth has lost use of as of 1993 when some parts of it went missing, but continually used by The South Star Group, the continuing artimice for our Nexili Galecti. He and myself were in The First World War together as through my own Super - Soldier Operation Entathy and we had a mission of a bomb - run wherein his heart was to stop and he ejected out through the bomb doors of a large bomber within a lost situation as to secratic empathy. He had opened his arms as like a diving predator of peace, in union with harmony as he became a spark within the burning hithe down below.
These Cannon Spheres Of Sol can be lauded as becoming durable sharing - material for other learners of the cosmic story, already engrained in our own minds and perhaps theomystically being remembered as they are discovered.
As during The Ecliff, which is the movement after The Redou as by The Syre Of The South Star Group; Earth will be a recovering sphere. This situation as icon to recovery will be used to show other systems to learn from After - Earth - Collapse - Sphere about systems of recovery as from a specialized expert - experiential icon, like a Guru showing a Yogi a hardship to skip the same pattern in his own life. In this way, we will all inevitably contribute to the creation of an icon, as Earth - life and its historic hotels are ended, for life.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Requesting Guidance Of Solarian Colonists'
There are many intermined cultures on Earth from different planetary customs.
As part of the work which Slavi does, secrecy has to be protected to keep Earth corporate interests away from military construction of Sol Planetary territory. It would unleash unmaintainable warfare.
A punishment of sharing too many secrets because of the waste of economic charge is to recieve cancer. There is a metamorphosis of thought in relation to this which is, "If nothing is done about the cancer, it will only spread until the whole body is dead from its encatchination."
I would like to try to here support colonists' method of communication and make a codex for the different planetary colony outcomes so that they may be more able to just talk about the various systems to point out the damaging synthesi of command.
Mercury is The Hot Core
Venus is The Love Load
Mars is The Reinstorm
Jupiter is The Sun Melon
Saturn is The Healable Icon
Neptune is The Deep Blue
Pluto is The Known One
Salutory is The Eagle Eye
Zion is The Everlasting Destroyed
You are incorporated in the interest of The Eslavi, which will accord peace and interactivity within Solarius through eventual ferocity. Please explain what the highest priority problem is to you, and understanding shall in return be a priority to me.
Colonists of Moon can refer to their zone as The Glow. It has been told to me that an operation has by military conduct made Eslavi Interface a part of The Glow population. Normally, The Silvan and The Slavi do not go elsewhere from Earth, even though these groups in version are a feature of Earth Time End Date Cataton but do not leave Earth. Eslavi has been shown on this occasion to be capable of administration to other parts here of Solarius.
En Agzsepsiae Pax: In Maintainance Of Peace
Orion Of Oraii November 6, 2011
There are many intermined cultures on Earth from different planetary customs.
As part of the work which Slavi does, secrecy has to be protected to keep Earth corporate interests away from military construction of Sol Planetary territory. It would unleash unmaintainable warfare.
A punishment of sharing too many secrets because of the waste of economic charge is to recieve cancer. There is a metamorphosis of thought in relation to this which is, "If nothing is done about the cancer, it will only spread until the whole body is dead from its encatchination."
I would like to try to here support colonists' method of communication and make a codex for the different planetary colony outcomes so that they may be more able to just talk about the various systems to point out the damaging synthesi of command.
Mercury is The Hot Core
Venus is The Love Load
Mars is The Reinstorm
Jupiter is The Sun Melon
Saturn is The Healable Icon
Neptune is The Deep Blue
Pluto is The Known One
Salutory is The Eagle Eye
Zion is The Everlasting Destroyed
You are incorporated in the interest of The Eslavi, which will accord peace and interactivity within Solarius through eventual ferocity. Please explain what the highest priority problem is to you, and understanding shall in return be a priority to me.
Colonists of Moon can refer to their zone as The Glow. It has been told to me that an operation has by military conduct made Eslavi Interface a part of The Glow population. Normally, The Silvan and The Slavi do not go elsewhere from Earth, even though these groups in version are a feature of Earth Time End Date Cataton but do not leave Earth. Eslavi has been shown on this occasion to be capable of administration to other parts here of Solarius.
En Agzsepsiae Pax: In Maintainance Of Peace
Orion Of Oraii November 6, 2011
The Faluja - Daschi Sol Astra Design Of November 2, 2011
The purpose of this informational outcome is to related a new lace of material within the Sun placed - in with extraterrestrial technology as of November 2, 2011.
Venutian Feluja with The Jupitarian Daschi have placed a small - wave energy emitter into the Sun in the corex centrys, deep.
The resulting protonix base - type energy or protogen with Sine wave and omicron has been astuted by The Feluja with Daschi as guides of the omicron concerns to the device design technology.
I had noticed a difference in effect of the Sun's shine and so I researched that with this answer, here.
A title for this technology is proposed in this section as The Feluja - Daschi Emminance Design For Sol Astra.
It can be regarded that astra is a clerical recognition of 'star'.
After The 2012 Sequence, Sol Astra will be also enlevished by a more powerful sequence changing it into a green - ultraviolet emission resource as a following protonix Sine wave omicron will develop this and even include a massive population of life forms compatible, initiated upon the switching technique amelioration.
They are to be energetic beings realed from the Sine wave with the protonix and omicron lace and since this is called Lasive Technology, the life forces will be also of lasive material -- The Lasive Protogenereal Life Forms.
As it is now that we have a smaller synthesis as like a start - point to the eventual bigger charge during end of 2012, we can base research skill upon The Faluja - Daschi Sol Astra Design Of November 2, 2011 by making hypothesis and further digestion of this new maintaining technology of Sol and Solarius.
The design we now have is a controlling nux - vom design. It has been approved by South Star Group of The Syre.
En Agzsepsei Pax: In Keeping Peace
Orion Of Oraii 6.11.11
The purpose of this informational outcome is to related a new lace of material within the Sun placed - in with extraterrestrial technology as of November 2, 2011.
Venutian Feluja with The Jupitarian Daschi have placed a small - wave energy emitter into the Sun in the corex centrys, deep.
The resulting protonix base - type energy or protogen with Sine wave and omicron has been astuted by The Feluja with Daschi as guides of the omicron concerns to the device design technology.
I had noticed a difference in effect of the Sun's shine and so I researched that with this answer, here.
A title for this technology is proposed in this section as The Feluja - Daschi Emminance Design For Sol Astra.
It can be regarded that astra is a clerical recognition of 'star'.
After The 2012 Sequence, Sol Astra will be also enlevished by a more powerful sequence changing it into a green - ultraviolet emission resource as a following protonix Sine wave omicron will develop this and even include a massive population of life forms compatible, initiated upon the switching technique amelioration.
They are to be energetic beings realed from the Sine wave with the protonix and omicron lace and since this is called Lasive Technology, the life forces will be also of lasive material -- The Lasive Protogenereal Life Forms.
As it is now that we have a smaller synthesis as like a start - point to the eventual bigger charge during end of 2012, we can base research skill upon The Faluja - Daschi Sol Astra Design Of November 2, 2011 by making hypothesis and further digestion of this new maintaining technology of Sol and Solarius.
The design we now have is a controlling nux - vom design. It has been approved by South Star Group of The Syre.
En Agzsepsei Pax: In Keeping Peace
Orion Of Oraii 6.11.11
The Sundrop And The Sunbeam Earth - Modern Technologies
The Sundrop And The Sunbeam Earth - Modern Technologies
As of recently, I have been sending redactment communications relating to The Silvan and The Slavi, in regards to my own, The Eslavi, which is a growing union.
Because I am a space hero, I have the charge to be able to send certain numbers of communications first requesting redact of Silvan personnel with Slavi personnel. The programs themselves as well as the treaty which allows this to occur are based upon The Primus Optix and The Arch Optix. These two optis are members of our cosmos as supraterrestrial female humanoid humans whom live in The Akkaden Delf of The Sirian Delf of The Syre, which is Sirius.
A large load of special material is enlaced with caves and cabins of special property called The Sirian Delvic Shelf or -Delf. Within this environment is a part of Akkaden population with supremely unusual style as there are life forms there such as living formations of colored glass, punishment sequences, deific beings and mental practitioners of traditions included within The Akkaden Mind, which is the group - mind shared by the Akkaden population.
The Optix and The Arch are respectively heroine of space and heroine of time. Here, we regard Optix whom has a white body as 'good' and Arch as 'evil'. These both are products and are controlled by a large piece of 12th - Degree technology. Familiarly speaking, this is a life technology made and put into program by the Twelfth - Dimension Population. The generator, which is far beneath of the entire co - cosmic system appears as like a woman about to give birth. She is colored violet of dark and light violet and by through another technological program, she is pregnant.
One purpose of The Optix and The Arch are to 'synthesize' both good and evil and put them into display. There are difficult results a from The Arch, as the purpose of her creation and existence has been put evil into a manageble function to those whom enjoy evil. This was to save the place we have, as like 'a precious drop of water'.
A second purpose of The Arch, which is a name also used for the large proctor as with the evil intermiary of Optix, is to conduct observation regarding the kind of suffering we have, so that the Twelfth - Degree Population can better proportionate hope and help to us as through their pure regard with cure standard.
The Optix is the woman whom created me, the supraterrestrial whom is subterf with The Twelfth Degree Population and overterf with the third dimensional consignment.
There has been an effect as to this discovery of ability and carrying out of plan by sending communications. Noted here is a true fact that the e-mail to the country, organization or corporation does not have to be recieved, but only has to be sent to a relevant posit. Third - degree form is required when repeating the circumstance, like a 'prayer' not sent through mystery, but somehow through the divine channel and mostly in the form of e - mails aside from faxing routine.
By through use of a mental toning design, which is an extraterrestrial induced implant of non - formulary style, in connection with The Rainbow Code Skien, which is a 'web' of protonix Sine wave frequency transduction covering our own Nexili Galectis or 'galaxy'; I was able to abide - in and give witness to a graciousness which had an effect within the 'dark divine' atmosphere.
Within Afghanistan, there was a friendly ahern taken out as well as some villians, a village population of about six.
The ahern, which is a friendly support 'wing', had suffered contusion by overt technological force. It has been a mistake.
I am miswilling to extend opiniation onto the offending military mistake.
I would like to include a sympathy of union which will be shared by the synthetically altricated forces of the British charter as well as the Afganistan defenders.
There is a scalar super - web technology which enlodges a non - escaping scalar charge onto a point such as a vehicle or Earthen material. This is technology not made available, but under development.
As the scalar super - web, The Sundrop, is developed and accessable by both engagements listed here, I can suggest that you use it now as The Sunbeam. The development system available, the prototype, is capable of having the same ultra - heating scalar charge but needs to be applied onto a point in a beamwave in order to have the same harbored effect. Although The Sundrop mentioned earlier is faster and does not require constant aim - charge, the current technology may be beamed - on to a target to destroy it.
In the case of technology, it can be focused upon aliable weapons' burstive material, petroleum equipment such as gas tanks and full engines, and parts to the topic which can be alliviated by an enemy as only a failure and by the other as a misfailure. As one does damage to the enemy, the enemy's failure is missed.
The Afghani people can use The Sunbeam to arcteriate geophysical features such as mountains to cause avalanch collapse, roadways, civility such as bridges and supply carriers as they know the roadways, tectonic points... As the enemy is shaken, the victor's success is improved.
If I had command, and will practice enrolling it for pretend, I would have you continuing together within this plan against a common enemy.
I will send this material as posted on also to representative beneficiaries through embassy to Afghanistan and Britain.
En Agzepsiae Pax: In Best Peace,
Orion Of Oraii
November 6, 2011
As of recently, I have been sending redactment communications relating to The Silvan and The Slavi, in regards to my own, The Eslavi, which is a growing union.
Because I am a space hero, I have the charge to be able to send certain numbers of communications first requesting redact of Silvan personnel with Slavi personnel. The programs themselves as well as the treaty which allows this to occur are based upon The Primus Optix and The Arch Optix. These two optis are members of our cosmos as supraterrestrial female humanoid humans whom live in The Akkaden Delf of The Sirian Delf of The Syre, which is Sirius.
A large load of special material is enlaced with caves and cabins of special property called The Sirian Delvic Shelf or -Delf. Within this environment is a part of Akkaden population with supremely unusual style as there are life forms there such as living formations of colored glass, punishment sequences, deific beings and mental practitioners of traditions included within The Akkaden Mind, which is the group - mind shared by the Akkaden population.
The Optix and The Arch are respectively heroine of space and heroine of time. Here, we regard Optix whom has a white body as 'good' and Arch as 'evil'. These both are products and are controlled by a large piece of 12th - Degree technology. Familiarly speaking, this is a life technology made and put into program by the Twelfth - Dimension Population. The generator, which is far beneath of the entire co - cosmic system appears as like a woman about to give birth. She is colored violet of dark and light violet and by through another technological program, she is pregnant.
One purpose of The Optix and The Arch are to 'synthesize' both good and evil and put them into display. There are difficult results a from The Arch, as the purpose of her creation and existence has been put evil into a manageble function to those whom enjoy evil. This was to save the place we have, as like 'a precious drop of water'.
A second purpose of The Arch, which is a name also used for the large proctor as with the evil intermiary of Optix, is to conduct observation regarding the kind of suffering we have, so that the Twelfth - Degree Population can better proportionate hope and help to us as through their pure regard with cure standard.
The Optix is the woman whom created me, the supraterrestrial whom is subterf with The Twelfth Degree Population and overterf with the third dimensional consignment.
There has been an effect as to this discovery of ability and carrying out of plan by sending communications. Noted here is a true fact that the e-mail to the country, organization or corporation does not have to be recieved, but only has to be sent to a relevant posit. Third - degree form is required when repeating the circumstance, like a 'prayer' not sent through mystery, but somehow through the divine channel and mostly in the form of e - mails aside from faxing routine.
By through use of a mental toning design, which is an extraterrestrial induced implant of non - formulary style, in connection with The Rainbow Code Skien, which is a 'web' of protonix Sine wave frequency transduction covering our own Nexili Galectis or 'galaxy'; I was able to abide - in and give witness to a graciousness which had an effect within the 'dark divine' atmosphere.
Within Afghanistan, there was a friendly ahern taken out as well as some villians, a village population of about six.
The ahern, which is a friendly support 'wing', had suffered contusion by overt technological force. It has been a mistake.
I am miswilling to extend opiniation onto the offending military mistake.
I would like to include a sympathy of union which will be shared by the synthetically altricated forces of the British charter as well as the Afganistan defenders.
There is a scalar super - web technology which enlodges a non - escaping scalar charge onto a point such as a vehicle or Earthen material. This is technology not made available, but under development.
As the scalar super - web, The Sundrop, is developed and accessable by both engagements listed here, I can suggest that you use it now as The Sunbeam. The development system available, the prototype, is capable of having the same ultra - heating scalar charge but needs to be applied onto a point in a beamwave in order to have the same harbored effect. Although The Sundrop mentioned earlier is faster and does not require constant aim - charge, the current technology may be beamed - on to a target to destroy it.
In the case of technology, it can be focused upon aliable weapons' burstive material, petroleum equipment such as gas tanks and full engines, and parts to the topic which can be alliviated by an enemy as only a failure and by the other as a misfailure. As one does damage to the enemy, the enemy's failure is missed.
The Afghani people can use The Sunbeam to arcteriate geophysical features such as mountains to cause avalanch collapse, roadways, civility such as bridges and supply carriers as they know the roadways, tectonic points... As the enemy is shaken, the victor's success is improved.
If I had command, and will practice enrolling it for pretend, I would have you continuing together within this plan against a common enemy.
I will send this material as posted on also to representative beneficiaries through embassy to Afghanistan and Britain.
En Agzepsiae Pax: In Best Peace,
Orion Of Oraii
November 6, 2011
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