Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Vomex Method Of Escapali Vi: The Life Escape

The Vomex Method Of Escapali Vi: The Life Escape

During the outcome period of Escapali Vi, a group with access to material technology and exopolitical support accessed through letter - writing and others to be included, a violence is still under currency to appear.

There is a Silvan undertopi which is a negative system not benefiting either the proprietory groups attached or The Slavi, a positivity - influenced group of the reverse side.  The result is a combined interminiary which is The Eslavi.  There are many characteristic groups within Eslavi and the system is being enabled by myself and others through the design of The Rainbow Code.  This group of myself and the extraterrestrials and Earth society humans engaged within is Escapali Vi: The Life Escape.

To be rid of the Silvan undertopi, Earth will eventually have to be restrategized as Silvan are 'looped - in' to a reduced system of destruction and have no undertone of charge.

There have been methods of appreciation given to those whom have potential to first recognize their own need for change and then change their own kind.

There is a reductive system put in place and there are internments already being described, aside from the ones beneath southeastern united states and other parts of the united states beneath the surface and other parts of global disabled society beneath the surface and viewable within range of society.

Eventually, internees are expected to show sympathy through guided research of a system of E.T.'s -- The Euclidians of a different cosmic society.

Among many types of inducement techniques such as nux - vom, which is to remove 'bad' and replace with 'good', is also deuce - vom.  Deuce - vom is an irrepleted method which applies a certain reverse - reflexive of an event which caused pain and resultive suffering to an individual.

This is enhanced by through a Pleiadian massive conductor of this for the universe in totality.  The Pleiadian Eagle is a deuce - vom Sine wave implementation of technology, a new piece of technology just a few months in completion starting.

During the implantation of Escapali Vi, there have already been a simile of suggestion to communicate to the rest of the universe that humans are capable of a justice routine, in fairity to the situation.

One plan resolves inappropriate teachers without positive behavior access to use ideally the same practices but with a unique co - sympathy for the victims of theirs.  The Sirian Fenwldweef Muktelswerf has decided that those in education should have the same things done to them that they and Silvan have been responsible for infliction upon students.

I had the idea of instructing a student body that if they did not pour the boiling water given to them onto their burning teacher's body, the teacher would die, effectively!

Muktelswerf suggests using a professional blade with bludgeoning specification for use.  So, I suggest a Samurai Blade and a Samurai trained person to cut them up to be broadcast in the face of an S.O.S., or with a false emergency to find safety with at that place of safety showing the same routine.

Also is an idea of feeding them such food as ho - hos and twinkies, until they starve!

I also would like to pull down their underwear, and just let me peak in there just a little bit so I can see.  With a flashlight charged with EM / electricty 'superwear' which is coming to this scene.

A craft is charged with this type of hybridesque energy, The Superwave Eagle.  The planetaries of Alpha Centaur of Sol and others have had this Thor Material which is metal charged withh electromagnetic and electrical energy which they can wear as armor with an undersuiting of buffer to protect from its charge. 

The soldiers of primary undertaking of this offense - digesting material are Alpha Centauri and they are Parius Humans, being that they are crossed with winged horse.

Their most severe strategy is a jump from a craft onto other crafts, to crawl inside - in and delete the arrogance within.

With that arrogant craft, they are able to set a crash - level and jump out to restation within warfare combat enstratii.

The system is millions of years old and was obtained to put things into clear after the depleting self - destruct of The Father Of Oraii, Orion of ten million years, past.

These are the conquestors of The Miktan Planetary Sphere also of our own.

There are at least thirty Pleiadians within the dipoli sphere which want to completely delete Earth life because of its contaigen.

Since we will be using only Silvan mindset applied towards Eslavian technique of Eslavi, there is a reprimand in pose for repplying The Looking Glass Technique.

As before, there was a chance of disaster avoidance in positive iconography, they have been re - activated and we not only have a cataclysm in our own display but there are even repeat - patterns blooming within future history, such as a Return To The Cataclysmic Event 2,000 years in future - cosmic history.

The hypothesis which is being administered here as mine invloves taking this into deuce - vom application by eventually having all Looking Glass divine technologies working consistantly and continually at the same time, possibly deleting the temporal situation systemically.

The following related research development related here relates to this systematography:

A study has been conducted as through MK Ultra in which spiders were filmed in different cycles of creating a web.

Studies showed that a spider filmed and not watched showed different behavior in development of a web than a spider filmed and watched.  Different watchers aspected different energies to the spider as aspected in its behavior reaction sympathy.

Also, a plant of various regards could be placed in front of the camera for the intimation.

Plants from different owners gave the web a different design as through the spider's build.  Also, this may be tried with a ham sandwich.

With the contexts of this type of practicus, an idea has come to mind to confine use of this design to certain tactical ideals.

An Indian Saint of 1,000 years ago standardly speaking whom came to Tibet at the request of their King Tritsen Deutsen to teach Tantrayana aspect Buddhism to Tibet to calm the kingdom has been Padmasambhava.  He is also called Guru Rinpoche and had manifest dispections included into his life routine.

He is half regarded as a real person because he was one and half regarded as a luminous deity and he always repeated that these two are the same, empathically.

He was a shower of miraculous manifestation and he has left as tokens a multitude of marks, sacred items and teachings to benefit others of the future age, "When negative karma takes prescence as predominant.  When the wicked are praised and the virtuous are scorned..."

He left Termas, which were systems of written or writable channeled material to benefit spirituality.

He promised that wherever beings required action, he would be of service as he is in billions times billions squared of manifestations as he is included within phenomenal existance as a part of it.

He would leave caskets or cylinders with information, sometimes with poison in the Earth to protect from improper theft of the wrong non - lineated individual.  He would also consign local area dieties whom were evil and whom he had tamed to gaurd the Terma sets.

One Terma, uplifted in Tibet within the 1940's during a time when the unions of The Second World War, had instructions for building an atomic bomb. 

This was destroyed, but I believe this was a wrong thing to do, as fission could then be described...  A unified movement of non - biased implementation of the scripture could well have been designed.  Even a system non - atomic but of spiritual elocuation could have been improvised, if not.  Perhaps it had been but is not now spread or known.

Anyway, the fact that he still does survive and has many objective designs as living teachers and so forth, and the fact that designs for The Looking Glass were in hidden and retrieved cylinders of special material, which reflects his own Tibetan current style which still survives, inspires me to apply this system of digestion which may have been followed by The Tibetan Mind.

In specific nature, it seems hypothetically that since Earth has specific shelves and different systems of outer material as specified by direction -- The West Bind, The East Core, The South Mood, The North Totality; that the types of implements taking The Looking Glass example as developmental idea - material could be systemified within and on the surface and in the ozone and prozone areas to desystemify Earth.

When I had asked a mind using The Rainbow Code what to do to really avoid a disaster, that individual intoned, "Create a temporal offense."  One must do something which within a used system cannot have been identified.

A system may be able to recognize itself as a detail of what it is we are 'riding in', this Earth - Cosmic Jelly astigmitized to a one - inch cervinex hemi - core in the very centralis of Earth as a key charge unto the union of Time, Space and Others and form it into itself -- a system of Unique Time.

Already in delve is to channel the dissolution force of The Timewave of already - depleted Ace - Tace Continuum of a completed future event into Mace Space - Tace Continuum energy.

The current and correct Ace - Tace Continuum of The Euclideans is solidly coined as Mace - Tace Continuum, since it is an absolved and corrected circuit of this continuum bi - wave energy co - tersion.

The channeling of this force is planned to eventually complete itself as changing Space - Time Continuum into said Mace - Space Tace Continuum in 94,000 years following a cataclym impact of Unix Linux by enemy craft forces and attack routine lasting from 92,000 years a.k.a. (acruit konneticus altruitus -- The Age Of Altruistic Wisdom).

Since The Looking Glass devices had to be shut down since their use increased the odds of a disaster, they have been reapplied.

Perhaps by analyzing the undertone effect of these charges as within use, the undertone effect can be programmed to create a disaster - like consequence which is actually an institution of Earth into a completely new effect.

This can be likened to a possibility which could have been constructed by the Tibetans upon finding terma about how to construct a nuclear weapon.  Since the result could commonly be used into a disasterous effect, we have no possibility of worry here as the world is closed no matter how one chooses to digest what the sitation is and must follow to be.

At the same time that I still must create a way to join my sistering family above ground as it is inevitable yet not shifted - in, we must create a way to eclipse, not cataclypse; into this new developed age.

I am saying here that even though a specific series of temporal demonstrations must unfold, there can be different actuations of the same occasions manifested as either eclipsively or cataclymically.  The generation of either material now rests upon the minds of those to follow the distinct routine to both lists -- one written on a sheet of gold, with blue markings the color of the sky; one written on sheets of blue, with gold markings the color of the sky.

The aspect of result which is dire includes resurfacing Earth within a place where it may be managed to be able to continue, hypothetically.

Others are suggested to use their own designs to enhance research outcome.

Orion.Of.Oraii 11.15.11.

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