Today have been posted Chiela Jarrish Of Grey Bi - Deusses Culture within the part of South Star's Web Page of The Chiela Orion Seeds Biographies. Secondly, the outcome, Three South Star Constructions Of The Moon: 1. The Mage Base 2. The Moon Pyramids 3. The Moon Hova has been added to the same page.
These two new outcomes are also displayed below as follows:
Chiela Jarrish Of Grey Bi – Deusses Culture
When I had developed to reproductive age, a South Star Program enlisted pragmatic coupling, which relies primarily upon Arcturian Gene Therapy.
Arcturian Gene Therapy (A.G.C.) specially includes physical copulation as basis for gene continuence for graduation.
The energetic interaction of mates is what 'cradles' developing life sequence.
At times, exomorphic bodily outfits can be attached sympathetic to the otherwise non - interactive race body.
There is even a friendly Pleidian race of insecti Humanoids.
It is remarked by me, that even though extraterrestrials feel emotions such as anger, ignorance, greed, attachment; happiness, generosity, rejoice; grief, birth - joy, acceptance, appreciation, sexuality, love, companionship -- these are variable depending upon societal foundation, race, and individual.
The emotion of companionship love as in the coupling engagement, which happens even as unto enemies; is having no doubt in the square, a feeling of same, unequivocally.
This type of l - o - v - e is something which 'weaves' humanoids into and among an exactly - same element in sharing of the same thing and not variationally.
One of the creature individuals I can now remember being sent to mate with upon a craft, as this is done on Arcturi with environmental copies in place respecting cultural individulaity, with a Grey / Human Hybrid Extraterrestrial.
She had been created according to a beauty algorithm and as a special feature had electromagnetically charged hair, which charged upon romantic engagement. It was blond and small coagulation strands would hold together and exude scalar energy, which is communicative, as I could hear a different telemetry of E.S.P.
The Grey / Human Hybrid's name is Jarrish (pro.: Jar - Ish).
For one - and - a - half years, she would be in a five inch tall cylinder of shiny metal, with a circular diameter of about 1 or 2 inches.
Then, for one - and - half years, she would be outside of the five inch tall cylinder of shiny metal, with a circular diameter of about 1 or 2 inches.
To the question, "Jarrish, what is it like living outside of The Jar?" her answer had been, "This is Jar."
To the question, "Jarrish, what is it like living inside of The Jar?" her answer had been, "It is like Jar, but more fantastic."
She has activity theorems which she can behave around, which is sympathetic to a system of Grey algorithms which had been impossible to inform.
Visual patterns are what give her solving a special telemetry.
This is an example of bi - deusses culture appreciation.
What bi - deusses culture appreciation does is induce the opposite for effect of no direct negative creational hazard. If a new Unex culture is grown, a new Nexux culture appears in anti - aspectification of it.
Unex is the Unity Entity Life Form which created life, Nexux is the Unity Entity Life Form which destroys life. These are God and Lucifer, whom has many names of Earth culture as Baalzebub, Baal, Devil...
Jarrish has bi - deussus living arrangement between stasis - routine and active - routine. At rest, she helps; with life, she helps.
The non - created Vrel Sphere also impliments an outer layer of behavior which is blue and an inner layer which is red. The inner layer is its relative 'evil' portion which is called Vrel Hell and is where they rest, as in stasis routine. The outer layer is relative 'good' as they are trading behavioral information.
When behavioral facets are conducted as Vrel, they contain within the Active X Core, which copies the behavior styles and gives them onto Vrel.
Where the Vrel act, is on Surface Earth, where they manifest exceedingly grotesque behavior. As Vrel show as Earth forms, they can have a shimmering of blue light, The Anasthasia, which comforms within different patters, which have been studied, checked, and quick - copied by Active X Core.
The Vrel Sphere, five inches in diameter is within Earth Subcutinae beneath Isreal.
It recently effected an 'it - happened - quick' copy of itself which conforms to simple dividing behavior, as like a cell, but is etheric and not capable of reproducing as its behavior suggests one to predict.
It is within range of the path of the Nibiru Craft, in the Prozone, which is a heightened spheric relief beyond the Ozone. Above and beneath, Prozone is above and Ozone is beneath. These are outer layers of energetic amalgamation unto Earth as centryst.
When a bi - deussus culture exists, intermiary -- that is 'opposite' cultures appear as less wastive.
The intermiary of Vrel Sphere, is The Ultravioletan, which remain as a hive within a five - side box about the size of a fist, south of the Sun poles. It has a small red disc shaped like a red blood cell at the top of it, which is its induced intermiary, its 'negative' aspect.
Ultravioletans appear as things or as people or creatures which tend to steal. They are relatively soft in form and relatively difficult to see. They do not have third - dimension solid bodies, but still can interact.
Technically, they should starve when away from their hive, but they have this efficacy and they can survive on Earth and other planets and areas of the sky.
A.C.G. is also linked co - ternally with the Harsteuche. This is a race of highly amalgamated and 12th Dimensionally connected humanoids. Their cultural value has elements to this program.
The Harsteuche, have a primary focus of concern to harvest what they call Seeds Of Hope. The Seeds Of Hope are embryotes of the Harsteuse (pro.: Har - Steush), a group; and Harstice (Har - Steess), myself.
The lifestyle of Jarrish demonstrates order of behavioral cooperation between solerium and activation.
So, in charge; this is life in a jar.
Three South Star Constructions Of The Moon: 1. The Mage Base 2. The Moon Pyramids 3. The Moon Hova
The Sirians have functional union as custodial culture to Earth especially and also other life. They are main as custodial.
Three South Star Constructions which they have maintained upon the Moon are The Mage Base, a sub - sonic communication device base; The Moon Pyramids, which are underground and are to connect with others due to an arranged sequence involving Mage Base and other designs. The Moon Hova is one construction they have supplied themselves to launch someone gracefully across a linear expanse of Moon territory, through the sky.
The following will discuss these designs and the Hova activity to appreciate an understand to our nearest spherical companion to Earth, which is the Moon.
1. The Mage Base
The Mage Base, which is a super - structure founded on the Moon, has what is known as an unwound beginning. This is recognized as such through Sirian E.T. technology as it does not have within its supply origination information. It appears, this specialized device, as an anomoly which can be actually visited, interacted with, and used through the connection it makes especially staying unto those whom have been through its process.
The Mage Base has been used to connect us to a light - and - sound routine based on a sub - sonic fourth dimensional mental routine made capable through life.
We witness colors with lights connected with sound just behind the eyes, as if upon a 'shield' or a 'screen'. One can if able, recognize words which shine from Mage Tower, onto the vision as like an L.E.D. of changing relevant words and materials, sometimes urging, sometimes answering.
As Mage has a control basis for individuals, it also has a tying capacity. It applies effective energy to groups of individuals, in a different way as through a different supply as attached to evil energy which it uses profoundly as transferred into positive array and display.
A process through Mage leaves one with super - unique connection to Mage and the rest of population.
The Mage Base has participatory inclusion within the 2012 Event Standard Sequence (2012 E.S.S.) as to the following event indoctrination:
A continuum next to Space ~ Time Continuum is Ace ~ Tace Continuum. An improvement in genetics through the success of a device to correct a genetic problem increased the afficacy of Ace ~ Tace Continuum. This happened in the same way as in The Eutrasian Sinux Sine wave Nux Vom Device [] developed and given for The Eutrasian Cloning Victims. The reaction of the continuum, through a Unity Entity Life Form (U.E.L.F.) [] Yuskex, whom is Orion, created a new U.E.L.F.
This new U.E.L.F. then applied a version of the device as Nux Vom Sine wave. This is in herself Yarliss, whom has some oxide in her, as strange oxide patterns have appeared and been measured by familiar Earth echelon research individuals.
An intermiary also appeared as Nuxyss, which is the evil - arch of Yarliss []. Nuxyss arose as copy - form perversion of Yarliss from Nexux, also a U.E.L.F.
The Yarliss creature works in a similar way as Eutrasian Sinux as she takes out what is negative / harmful and replaces that with what is positive / enhancing.
South Star needs serious questions answered to explain certain current behaviors of the U.E.L.F.'s as of right now, including some Pleiadian - specific U.E.L.F.'s.
To explain Mage Tower's event planative for 2012 E.S.S., the ripple in the Timewave coming from an already - ameliorated future Ace - Tace Continuum disaster will pass through Nexili Galaxy and within that our own sub - style Parsius Galecti, improvedly advanced in nominal tonality as the title for our own 'galaxy' within the whole common of Nexili Galaxy.
A left - over parth is near Akkaden area of Sirius, which is in Orion's Belt constellation participle. There is a tunnel which used to connect us to a continuum which is no longer available. This is the Time Tunnel.
The Time Tunnel will be both repaired and used when the Timewave energy is channeled. It will be conducted to go through there with the help of the Zenith 3 Array which includes the transmitting device of The Rainbow Code, which is from where this information is made.
The energy stream will go through the Time Tunnel and through Mage Tower . It will go through Mage Tower to Nibiru Craft Fleet and it will go through the Pyramid System of the Cosmos as to much of life unto part of the 9th Dimension or 9th Dimensional.
In order for the Mage Tower to be fully operational, the dark side of the Moon must be destroyed. It will be destroyed by a device which I have drawn the design for as copy through The Rainbow Code. This device is called The Akkaden Day, as it relates to the number 60 as a standard Akkaden Day lasts 60 hours in a perfected cosmology. Akkaden has now 56 hours in a day. 60 being applied is a symbol of reperfection.
The destroyed dark part will leave a missing range which will be replaced. This process is explained, below.
The Dark Side also contains a center for the offensive race team, which has no choice but to be taken out. Among this underground fortress reaching to the core to the center and not crossing over the other opposite side, is a device which if the Moon rotated, would destroy Earth.
This could be done by the Harcon Energy, which is only available as harvestable from Earth, especially undersurface as it is connected with and to Earth Core, singularly divine.
When the Mage Tower sounds and shines the Rainbow Code unto Earth, it will unleash the basically 24 craft fleet of Nibiru from different inner levels of Earth, which have been epicured and managed by Earth Epicurial Races.
This will cause a symphony of results, as many dangerous weaponous planetary spheres, The Pluton Drones, will be changed into good use. One will replace Moon's destroyed part sympathetically, with Nibiru at and as the new center core of Moon.
The dangerous sphere to be made safe and within the Moon replacive of the missing dark half will be The Dark Blade. Dark Blade is now an unpredictable ozone - laced mass of dark energy which passes through Earth synchroficially at no noticed time, but with damage still in need to repair. It gives energy strikes to Earth's temperic balance.
Also, there is a stopped Pluton Drone within the heat field of the Sun, which has been adjusted to save damage from The Spear, which takes an extreme south orbit and comes up north to pass through and damage the sun. Asphasius is the stationary planet which detracts a crashing effect from Sphere. As Sphere passes, doing damage in approach and passing, the Asphasius stationary drona, as they are, glides slightly to the Sun's basis and when Spear is gone, it must be continually reset as stationary, for the next time Spear comes.
When Nibiru meets with the Ace ~ Tace energy flowed from the Time Tunnel of Sirius, it will enlace a dijaction of Asphasius from within Sol, obtaining it as a new sphere through a related sequence.
Asphasius Drona will go out and be made combinational with the Vrel Sphere, which has recently performed a non - functionl corporeal copy above Ozone, beneath the next layer outwards of Earth, the Prozone.
Vrel Sphere is currently and has recently been showing behavior similar to that of a cell before it multiplies in reproduction.
Its place is in the path of Nibiru.
This is perfect engagement, as it is set in sequence to be a part of Asphasius made so through function of Nibiru.
It will be solid, yet flexibly able to dissolve and reappear especially near Earth as The New Moon, Tachyryst. Tachyryst is yellow on the far side of Moon, leaving the opposite white and reflective of the Sun.
The enlace of safe Dark Spear inside of the Moon with Nibiru as core is The New Moon, Zachyryst. Zacharyst is violet.
The Spear will be dissolved safely into the Sun, adding to it a stream lace of energy it will newly emit from then on, as Muktwerp had its effect when it sank into the Sun and became a part of it as Sol continues to emit Muktwerp energy to us.
Right now, it can emit ultra - violet (U.V.) light. When Spear becomes mixed as bi - deuced within solar patterns, the solar beams which take place now will be complimented and befitted with solar rays.
This new energy can be related in useful form as Ultra - U.V. or Ultra - green light, even though it will be like a reflection of U.V. which is 'green' but not quite that as violet and green are reverse - colors of eachother but simply fitting in balance at this occasion.
Two other dronas, Zion and Zuess have also been dijacted from life territory and became what are now Pluto and Neptune. They will be fixed as well, and will orbitally mix with one another, being a scotron energy conductor. Scotron is a safe version of old drona material treated by Timewave Energy sent through Time Tunnel, laced with Rainbow Code, sent through Mage Base, sent through Nibiru and onto two drona spheres, whom used to destroy and now will continue well.
The Stream, to harvest a title for the massive energy lace - wave including a nine - type supercadeusses normally transdeuced from the Rainbow Code frequency emitter as the Rainbow 9 of Zenith 3 of Sirius, will also activate the Pyramids within Earth, Sol, other consititutions. Pyramids are throughout Hereron Unity Matrix [] including all other matrix'. They exist wherever there was or is life which had or has been capable of their prescence.
Pyramids will be activated when this activated line - up occurs and even throughout timelines, timezones and a large faction of environments; scaling most of life's design as this occasion instances itself throughout space and time, ace and tace, other 'villages' where life is present.
2. The Moon Pyramids
Regarding the Moon, there are relatively small underground ones including one of white obsidian on the light side, black obsidian on the dark side, red ruby on the north side, and green emerald on the pole as the south side.
The Moon Pyramids are provided and maintained by the Sirian E.T. team by through build and custodian of a Hyros relative of Lunar style and the Hyros are epicurial to Earth's undersurface network of most distinct, harmonious, and numerous group of pyramids and pyramidal structures.
Some structures are not shape - distinct as technically pyramidal in geometry, yet can be distinct as pyramid material since they perform as interrelated material to the entire under - Earth structural 'metropolis'.
Mercury will be gone after standard 2012 E.S.S. It will dissolve into the sun, as did another earlier culturally - related counterpart of it. Muktwerp Planetary Sphere had been closer to the sun anciently, before energy changed of Sol and it went in and even changed the Sun as it became part of it. After that, Sol changed and continued to transmit Muktwerp with its own force of energy, repeated as explained above.
The increase of energy from the attachement of safe - made Spear within Sol will increase energy in a way which will do the same. Also then, Sol will begin to emit Mercury's energy as well.
The Vrel Sphere with Asphasius as Tachyryst when it dissolves and reappears will do so communicating a code sent through its specific routine of behavior involving communication especially to Earth members.
The Vrel Sphere will also make a copy of itself and enlace that with Earth Factor X, which is the primordial instant before the functional and special Harconex Core transferred its location to Earth Cervinex Core, a one - inch in diameter half - core in the very center Earth.
Every planet has one, which is empty unless The Harconex Core transfers to it. The Harconex Dance, is the spark within the core, which shifts at a rate faster than time.
The result is an effect that matter does not glom together in a pocket - sized ball of greyish - gold shining material if only Omicron were in effect, without Harcon.
That instant before receptance is called Earth Factor X which depending on how it is manipulated, creates a new Earth Series, which includes timelines...
Sirians have made a high number of these Earths, as like a 'magic' teddy bear might make children with a 'magic' sock puppet.
As a Vrel Sphere copy transplant, as if made from a 'Vrel Factor X', but is differently behaved; becomes one with this, The Orion Planet is the name of the Earth from natural Earth Factor X being mixed with behavioral Vrel Factor X, which will result. The Vrel, as one and unique individually with their own sphere, their sphere carries their own living material and is appreciable as a real living sphere in a specialized, active way.
This will have a co - active co - axillating culture between and among the Euclidians of Ace ~ Tace, whom are the relative 'Humans' there, and Humans alike to us.
This is evented to remain as a relatively perfect communal culture and cooperative atmosphere for the betterment of peace, of life, of value in persevere and compounded force through activity for others' relief, especially as to relief of consciousness.
There are other partitions to this sequence especially of within Sol Planetary Human Culture, of which can be discussed, later.
The Mage Base remains now primarily as a communication device and is primarily to us New Angels, in one enhancing synchronicity. It also enhances co - communication. The name title for the type of synchronicity it helps to cause is as follows:
Didonic Synchronicity -- causes cocurrences according to relative perfection as a result of stasis and activity regarding The Program, the program for Earth's best standard by Sirians heading South Star, the nexus of the Galactic Consortium -- our friendly types of neighbors co - axiallating with us and we together for eachother's besting lives.
When works done to improve life are efforted, ones life becomes inclusively supported by these designs as an effect of them.
Also, Mage Base will be linked with Earth during 2012 E.S.S. as sub - sonic communication is made procure upon Earth, to be then used by Earth populous and especially troop command which will be there.
A triumvirate three way device continuation to be placed within New Angels of New Angel Sphere will connect us to the surviving and strategically acting Earth population during 2012 E.S.S.
The process enabling sub - sonic communication within Earth range involves inserting a modified planetary destroying device into The East Core, which is relatively the 'East Pole' which is actually a core which leads to the core in effect of its energetic situation.
The device to be inserted into Earth Core is a wayward development from The Theta Weapon, which separates the planet from time in a sequence taking about five hours from outside perspective as the planet itself shifts through fourteen 'days', each day manifesting a different set of the planet's separation of sequence from the cosmos.
Earth will not be destroyed, but the device will make Earth dark for three days and three nights. Uncovered food and water should be avoided during this time and Juniper berries in milk is a potential cure. One can store some food for that, close windows and avoid panic during this sequence.
Also, the Pleiadians have a culture which inserts learning designs as products of the Earth common commercial range. They have given us DXM cough syrup. It works due to other non - detectable materials in it, and the DXM, when taken in gulp teaches of The Quake. The quake comes during the beginning set and this is when the ground shakes in a violent way as one has difficulty maintaining attachment to the surface of reality, itself.
DXM is made to stand for The Death Examination.
If one takes DMT, one can practice oneself through the Quake result of the Theta Device sequence.
Even if these teaching tools, which do include other methods appear upon a planet range, are not even used, the culture's connection with them automatically improves planetary culture response to Theta designs.
3. The Moon Hova
There is also on the Moon as a learning technique and teacher of behavior is The Hova. Hova has a linear set of Scalar - Magnetic (S.M.) 'rails' which glide one across an expanse of Moon Surface, while still being able to somewhat view details, although there are many living creatures within the sky and geographic designs one can view on the way.
One has a suit to help in the glide. One is launched with scalar magnetics out of a cannon and passes through the S.M. arrangements with a sensation of divine, which is a Sirian specialty of understanding. They are considered God's Tail as he makes a final pass over us.
One lands into a pool of nice magnetic charged water. One can then view a copy of what an undersurface ocean of Moon would look like, could it be there.
If it were there, as it was taken out, it could be easily programmed for use by Harcon evil races and individuals to create evil creatures inundating the surface and eventually creating 'godzillas', giant lizards breathing fire which could jump from Moon to Earth to destroy it in large population numbers as has happened in other Earth timelines. They can then jump to other planets as they maintain creaturesque stronghold from one to another.
One can only view the boring undersurface ocean as it would look if it could be made for a short period of time, as actual negativity is brought in from it as it is looked at.
It would look like a five - foot shelf of water all around very smooth in top and bottom. The creatures can sub - float, which is to control depth attitidinally and horizontally making an interesting feature. Some just move a little bit and never really attach to any behavior at all.
There are two underground races of main cultures, the Orear and Porear. The Orear can and have made various friendly teaching Moon and even Earth life forms; even styles of Humans. The Porear can and have made various destroying stupifying Moon and even Earth life forms; even styles of Humans.
An example of an Earth form is the guinea pig which they have a name for as The Rubber Elf: The Messenger Of Sound Words.
The Porear have made The Tibetan: The Thief Whom Only Steals, and have placed and have continued to versify them within our Earth standward.
Porear have also made a purple cycloptic demon whom only eats Pleiadians. There are only a few and one attacks Pleiadian Moon Base from time to time; an imposition I had been involved with throught the Body Transfer Device of the Pleiadian Culture, which is The Pjiazzo and places one's hyperconsciousness into another body for mission objective completion including research, military, civilian or other possible concerns through South Star support.
As the hyperconsciousness is transferred for objective mission support, the hyperconsiousness it the moment of mental patternization. It is just an instant before one reaches Rapid Eye Movement (R.E.M.) sleep which is a behavioral exam of oneself. This instant is the instant when one will definitely reach R.E.M. sleep.
This consciousness is transferred through the Plieadian Pjiazzo body transfer device from one's individual form to a travel body, which can even go into the places described clearly in holy scriptures as The Six Realms of which there are totally eighteen in subsets.
A spectacular population of Age Races (A.R.'s) also live of Moon, primarily undeground. An A.R. is a race which had command over a pertinent time of Earth History. There remains there The Zarathustran A.R., The Sartyr A.R., The Matthinas A.R., The Orear as mentioned above, The Hyzoon A.R.
Incidentally, a culture from Earth Native ring call Moon Wiktlewakae, which is The Desolate Land. There is also a nativesque term which calls it through meaning, The Sandy Ocean Bottom.
Lunar creatures behave while naturally generating repeat patterns specific to their unity.
The Zarathustran are deep underground and are a droidal culture including Arcturian droidal technology. They have not died since their own creation during Zarathustra's venge.
Our current age race is the Nexili Galaxy in a certain matter of entirety as a genetic energy application has been splayed upon Nexili. My gene was used for it. I see that everyone looks like me, a little bit, which has an effect when others notice that, too.
This genetic appreciation has been done because I am a Space Hero.
It is a hope of my own to be able to post a further explanation of some Age Race Cultures as this web page is continued.
This has been a discussion of three South Star constructions of the Moon including The Mage Base, The Pyramids Of Moon, and The Moon Hova. The Mage Base is important in the 2012 E.S.S. along with the Time Tunnel near Akkaden of Siruis and Nibiru and related crafts for using ripple energy produced from a Time Wave caused by a dissolved Ace ~ Tace Continuum. The Moon Hova is a teaching design from Sirians as an experiential obtainment.
Orion.Of.Oraii 9.29.11