Three new informational outcomes have been added to The South Star Group Web Page:
1. Comparison Between Earth And Cosmos, Earth Humans And Extraterrestrials
2. The Egal Angel And The Eden Angel Scalartronics Warfare Vehicles
3. The Chiela Orion Seeds Biographies
They are at
They are below, also, here:
Comparison Between Earth And Cosmos, Earth Humans And Extraterrestrials
Posted September 19, 2011 Kathmandu, Nepal
Since Earth holds a power source for Space Time Continuum within its core, the cervinex core, which is only one inch in diameter.
This activates Harcon as The Harcon Source. Harcon's purpose is to press apart to balance pure Omicron. If only Omicron or E.M. were engaged, then the universe would be a glowing ball of material, pocket - sized. So, Harcon pulls it apart so that it can have life within material, acting as functional.
It is a spark one inch in diameter which emits at a speed which warps time. Since this is how it conducts itself, Earth through core connection with the source, has many unique qualities, as the Harcon Source has a certain effect from itself until the atmosphere.
After that, Harcon still applies, but differently than it does for us on Earth.
The effects which we recieve which others in Space Time Continuum do not charges comparisons in relation to Cosmos circumstance and Earth circumstance.
To speak without specific retrieve, the same diversity as to variety of life on Earth 'equals' the diverse variety of life in Cosmos -- 'space'. When speaking about Cosmos here, it refers to both space and time, since there is a range within our system which uses time as a primary environment for actual function. There also, whatever happpens in the Space Range, also happens there in the Time Range in a sequence of events relative to that environment.
Also, it is rare that Humanoids are not uniformly designed. Here, on Earth, every Earth Human looks as if he is his own individual culture life form. An individual culture life form is what refers usually to a race or speci which is only one, such as in E.T. cultures wherein only one enacts reproduction of the rest, whom will have mostly the same 'mother'. This is how the most - securely described as avian humanoids of Sirian Humanoids' culture behaves.
As a second feature, life here has a special protective feature of extreme adaptability.
Also because of adaptability, we do tend to not mend problems, but can adapt and continue, as a stead.
Earth religion, while singular generally for others, is also enhanced with much diversity. Prophets and saints whom have been on Earth, can inhabit other zones. Jesus Christ lives within a comparted atmosphere safely within the flame layer of Sirius 1. Milarepa and other of his Pleiadian and Earth Human disciples have a place within the Pleiadian Himalayas. He has a hermitage, there which can be visited by a tram car. He did ask that only one line be built when they wanted to reduce safety risk of climbers to that place where he was. They have a system of reductive routine so that it is not replaced the way things have been here, with non - related items.
There are also living among us in cloak, and beneath Surface Earth, Subcutinae Earth, Subtairre Earth, and even energetic species within Core Earth; is together the most diverse amalgamation of extraterrestrial - originating species.
Being an extraterrestrial from Akkaden whom was designed for a Super - Soldier duty before being placed in a unique synthesized atmosphere, it does appear to me that hardly any of us were actually born here in a standard way.
There is a phenomena called Shelf Shifts, which place one in a kind of sub - lingual 'timeline version', having sometimes very different characteristics like new geography, cultures, countries, food, sports, technology and nearly any aspect of Earth life can be then different after this experience.
Others indicate qualities of those whom have even switched timelines, which is possible as a Shelf Shift can do this. Shelf Shifts are intended through Sirian induction programs, especially to help operate the coming 2012 Earth - Time - End - Date sequence, conclusion and thereafter way of life of Earth.
So, we have been 'brought up' here to be within good reason; to help Earth, which has a prime effect upon the rest of Life in Cosmos.
Does this make sense?
There is also material here from the Harcon source which once taken away from atmosphere range, begins a half - life as it can be used for weapons maintainence and production.
Earth, as another comparitive value, is basically totally controlled by extraterrestrials. One can avoid processed foods because they have what is called by the Akkadans especially, The Earth Poison. This is mostly Sirian and Pleiadian whom want a reduction in behavior, altogether of the entained population, here.
When on Akkaden once, they had to apply something to my teeth called The Floss. This is like a metallic wire with laces itself much like an old ortho retainer and when wants to speak, it clamps the teeth closed. This was because I do not have an ability to even take things seriously as a result of this Earth Poison Program, which even the politi of Akkaden do not 'swallow' as the best thing for control. Not only because I am one of them, primarily, it is agreeable of their opinion.
But, this kind of circumstance 'plays upon the harp of the heart' of an Akkaden trainee and makes him want to complete with even better reserve than before.
Fourth, along with first diversity of variety of life, second with extreme adaptability of life and third with high control factorization, is variety of behavior concern.
One Earth, one may turn from evil at the smallest tear. No actions are really predictable in an Earth life form. Enemies live within the same villages, towns, cities, countries, and other communities. There are a wide variety also of native traditions and civilized maintainments, whereas in Cosmos a planet or living range will normally have just a single style -- Pleiadians in the Pleiades, Andromedens on Loyola, Arcturians on Arcturi, Non - Arcturians on Non - Arcturi as enemies specifically to the Arcturian people and Arcturi.
Even right now, as another unique feature, extraterrestrial cultures are watching from Cosmos and Time this Earth and its transference event. It is now in the preparation called: The Oman or sometimes Shabbant. The next stage is the Omanarah or the Beyshadoe. Oman is 'eve' in Sirian language. Omanarah is 'morning'.
Further, Shabbant is 'summer of rest' in Akkaden language, and Beyshadoe is 'cull', referring to the roiling of destruction to be enacted, throughout.
There are some things which can be explained about behavior and thinking styles of E.T.'s.
As I continue to meet with them, they have diversity of personality within a uniform culture, but less so than we. As E.T.'s primarily enact life within uniformity, Humans of Earth primarily enact life within individuality. The first is based on life as a unit of many, while the second is based on life as a series of many.
Also, Humans can specifically quickly gauge problems with a function, which extraterrestrials cannot sometimes do. Humans also quickly can solve problems, even though we are non - careful and risky.
We have humor, which is rare. We are a kind of specialists of love. Having had some personal detail, I can say that in the same way we simply cannot log details of their device technology, they may have the same reaction towards love connection. The same feeling as we have is there for them, but we understand our feelings in a way which they do not have the ability for. They can feel the same, but do not understand in the same; as for romantic love.
Also, some emotions are quilted for a race. Joy or introspection, disappointment or success, and ranges of emotions appear differently as metal can be gold, silver, copper, alloy or others and wood can be spruce or applewood or evergreen or cedar or other and plant can be marijuana or sage or corn or wheat or other and sky can be blue, violet, orange, red; cloudy or clear, rainy or dry, windy or still, disturbed or calm.
On Earth, of course we have more or less our own behavior patterns and more or less selected companions. An E.T. will have the groups' behavior patterns enacted individually with non - selected companions since attribution is commited to the race.
Andromedens once explained to me that they had civilious behavior, as one could not pretend to understand a hug from me. I explained as a kind of 'gimmick' to enhance calm and relax as they effectively tell Human guests unto their own space travel tours they give, that it was to enhance group interaction, which it really was. A Human just does those things because it feels as a natural behavior reaction. It is easy to do, since there is not feeling of return imbalance and as you give them, both can gain more, especially if one decides to do something like this appropriately!
Of course also, the Cosmos has a larger general population than overall on Earth, where the general population is smaller.
Of course, different parts of society such as various art even in architecture have the same relative reflections of diversity types: diversity through individual unique or diversity through culture union.
Also, Earth Humans will effect relationship and even maintain cooperative living arrangements with other types of Relative Humans such as those in the aquatic of dolphins and whales, those Relative Humans of Terrain; dogs, and so forth.
There is a reduced system of Relative Humans called 8 of A, 6 of B, which I hope to be able to clarify meaning, produce and share. This is known as a 'reduced system', since it names only the primary types of versional humans, which are the Relative Humans.
One example is that Greys are in it listed as Humans Of The Future. Pleiadians, Humans Of Perfection. The Epsilon Zion Birds are Humans Of Outer Atmosphere Earth, which live in the core as a roost. These are viewable on some videos and look like birds made of light. In the everyday, they can be seen streaking the night sky quite different in appearance from meteorites as these are faster and do not dissolve or fluctuate light emission and streak across at a stable velocity in a straight line as crafts are generally attributed to diverse movements seen in the sky.
As Relative Humans: 8 of A, 6 of B continues to be clarified by me, I hope it may be shared as a readout one day.
This has been a discussion relating comparison of Earth life in diversity and behavior with Cosmos life in diversity and behavior.
The Egal Angel And The Eden Angel Scalartronics Warfare Vehicles
Posted: September 19, 2011 Kathmandu, Nepal
There is an expected engagement for New Angel Sphere. One engagement will include use of specialized craft. It is a space fighter craft which will become reduced ace in capability as it is used within atmosphere. This will reduce damage to the surface range as super - secret soundblasts may still be made.
Besides being a hybrid in the range of its use, it is also hybrid in its fit as rogue plasma / scalar / electric.
Rogue plasma is a safety use since an explosion of craft will give less gust onto withstanding environment, maintaining damage and behavior control. It will not distract.
This type of plasma is not completely plasma but instead is plasma - like, incorporating electricity and scalary energy into the work.
The controls are hybrid manual / scalar telemetry. A full august scalar telemetry vehicle, wherein full scalar control is shown -- is moved by the mind through a connection to scalar control, neurologically. Here in The Egal Angel, Physical and mental control is combined.
Holding the atmosphere to Earth is a very far - out layer of semi - atmosphere material called the prozone. It is between the atmosphere surface and the prozone which is called Egal Earth. This is where the rest of Earth may be witnessed and seen.
As this is where this craft will fly, it is The Egal Angel.
This design has been specialized mostly on Jupiter, where the most important scalar research is done. This is not a relativation as the most important, since it is so in manicure through the Sirian E.T.'s. The primary Human population of Jupiter has been from craft culture of Ancient Chinese. This is a culture of ones whom had Chi primary as their cultural arootment.
A vehicle of warfare support to be used on Mars and others is similarly made but is a mech suit. It extends and perseveres movement of the mech soldier whom enacts small physical decisiveness with relying upon the mech suit to follow through the way -- relying upon 'god' to do the rest, as Omicron. This is the Eden Angel, referring to Earth Subtairre, where it will be used, also.
The Egal Angel and Eden Angel feature weapons of scalary bursts. The Eden unit has a rapid - fire cannon of scalar/y weapon design. Scalary Teletronics is the functional name for the type of hybrid system we will use, being a cross among rogue plasma, scalary, and electric.
When one of our own 12,001 New Angels habitate a 'new heaven', die, our new number will be 12,000 and so on. Although connections are to be made with other groups, these 12,001 original will still have specific manifold unique qualities given by South Star Group extraterrestrials' programs. These include specialized bodily enhancements, such as a kind of armor lace within the carbon tissue, age enhancement, health cure and even physical beautification and neurological / mental restandard with new engagement of imagination. These are uniqueness traits to be enhancing of our own group.
It is espeicially because the numbers in our group may not be replenished that this information is being cleared. It is to express appreciation of the possibility of loss; to allow concern onto our own responsibilities.
Incidentally, the special technique of armor lief to be inserted into the carbon basis of New Angel Sphere is to be a research outcome of Leelei, a Pleiadian of Texilis Sphere of Pleiades.
This lief is to be transferred to the Orion Bird Fighter And Transport of the South Star Extraterrestrial Military.
The Orion Bird is especially used by the Pleiadian - Akkaden Union which is a relationship within the extraterrestrial militia, being an initiative of sub - civilians. This is a grassroots military supported by the U.A.F., the United Alliance Force. U.A.F. is a green - code union for solitary protection of non - civilious cultural survival.
They are a spiritual organization giving strategies for growth and options for improvement to native life of their own sets with warrior factions for protective support for their own union culture as against outside disharmonizing groups.
The U.A.F. allows natives to persevere. This way, they can maintain their spiritual collectivity to their own environment while improving the culture and enacting independent warfare response and defense. These are the natives of space.
The lief is to be a research result of a daughter of Texilis Bloom of Pleiades. She is nearly 19 years old and was created with the help of an advanced Sine wave reproductive sequencing device. I have written about her in Chiela Leelei Of Pleiadian Texilis Bloom Culture, within The Chiela Orion Seeds Biographies; an informational outcome within the web page for South Star Group, which is
This has been a discussion of The Egal Angel, and The Eden Angel, two warfare vehicles to be used by the 12,001 by The New Angels of The New Angel Sphere, within the 2012 year.
Orion.Of.Oraii 9.19.2011
Chiela Orion Seeds Biographies
Posted: September 19, 2011 Kathmandu, Nepal
There are creations produced by the extraterrestrial Orion which are Cheila life forms. Cheilas are a population sharing distinct origin and each have some exceptional occurance or standing outcome within their situation making it positively unique. These are made from seeds planted by Orion, which are not form material, but instead algorithmic instertions of conditions which will lead to their birth.
The purpose of their lives is specifically to demonstrate something to a society, whether waxing or waning. This way, their own situations can be used for progress even if not understood in any specific way aside from actual appreciation for them.
Nine biographies have been procured so far and the titles of the biographies are scripted, below:
1. Chielah Yarliss Of Unix Linux Unity Entity Life Form Culture
2. Chielah Ereskeex Of Pleiadia Eel Squid Culture
3. Chielah Orion Of Whale Supermind Culture
4. Chielah Chielah Of Pleidian Starmine Bloom Culture
5. Chielah Mabel Of Grey Culture
6. Chielah Hyzoon Of Sirian Pleiadian Akkadan Earth Human Hygenics Culture
7. Chielah Andrew Of Earth Akkaden Outsource, 1996 Earth - Time - End - Date Timeline Culture
8. Chielah Grace Pyoricht Of Earth Pleiadian Akkadan Outsource Culture
9. Chielah Leelei Of Texilis Pleiadian Bloom Culture
Chielah Yarliss Of Unix Linux Unity Entity Life Form Culture
Cielah Yarliss is a Unity Entity Life Form (U.E.L.F.). Below is a description of Unity Entity Life Forms and also of Yarliss and situations related to her creation and her own work routine. Other U.E.L.F.'s are mentioned, as well, making five in total listed here as follows:
Unity Entity Life Forms: Unex, Nexux, Yuskex, Escariex, Yarliss:
In a pocket of space, where time did not exist, there were three.
Three Unity Entity Life Forms were there. Unex wanted to create life as himself, in different forms.
Nexux created destruction to these forms through The Nexux Network. The Nexux Network is based on 4th Dimensional area and contains Nexide, a protonix version of Co1o5 and Co1o2. Protonix is basically a 4th dimensionally based aloof energy having effect upon other dimensions.
From the menthe of this tubing which was to destroy life altogether came Yuskex, whom is mostly known by the E.T. community as Orion.
Orion had known what was happening and created a structure as a support for life, which could subsist with only infection of as throughout, not total infection of life with destruction.
Later, Unex created a wave of energy which interacts with it without pattern, but with guiding routine through inspiring different factions of life to enact in appropriate ways, collectively.
At the same time, nexide gets into the Life Structure, as we may refer to it as. This is Unex Linux, which means 'the life structure'.
In 1983, in Linux Unix, in Nexili Galaxy, in Sol Arial, upon Eutretes sphere, a successful Sinux development created a new U.E., Yarliss.
The first three of Unex, Nexux, Yuskex each one as God, Lucifer and Orion, whom respectively create, destroy and protect life are male.
Later, a similar U.E. appeared whom has been Escariex. Escariex made it possible for divided populations to be made within Life, which as capitalized refers to all life and especially here within our zone.
Male -- such as Unex, Nexux, Yuskex -- represents original creational energy. Female -- such as Escariex, Yarliss -- represents conclusive, destructive, perfectional energy.
Escariex as mentioned before and Yarliss are female, since they are perfective to life, not involved in its solidity but involved in toning / adjusting life, instead.
Yarliss has a similar purpose as the Sinux, which is to induce nux vom, taking out what is bad and placing in what is good in a life.
When Sinux had been activated, about fifteen minutes later, Yarliss appeared.
She is traceable because she leaves an oxide - like menthe or 'scent'.
When that design of technology had been turned on, Orion did go back to the creational event of Unix Linux and placed the event of the birth of Yarliss as a seed called an Orion Seed. He had placed the Orion Seed for Yarliss to hatch her at the time nearly fifteen minutes after the device had been switched on.
Even though this had been and has been a way which life has been improved, through Yarliss, this is what has destroyed future Ace Tace Continuum.
The future dissolution of the continuum is a warning that Yarliss needs a mate.
This is another reason the Timewave from Ace Tace Continuum is being channeled through a malfunctioned Time Tunnel to be repaired to channel it. This will be an activation of a new design which is to create new life, by projecting new qualities onto genetic structure -- DNA.
As Sinux and Yarliss have toned genetic difficulties within Unix Linux, Yuskex will be able to combine with Yarliss creating genetic protection and new uses for DNA. This will fully repair the distonation in our own continuum, as well as delete this time pattern's dissolution of Ace Tace, which has created the Timewave.
The Pleiades, with many distinctions, has its own set of U.E.'s whom work only for the Pleiades. It would be kind to be able to mention them in a section dedicated more toward the Pleiades.
Chiela Ereskeex Of Pleiadia Eel Squid Culture
South Star Group has a way to put a super - soldier hyperconsiousness into a travel body. The hyperconsciousness is the mind style which appears just before entering R.E.M. sleep phase. It has a normal last for just a split second. In this routine, it can last a long time, as time is suspended for the actual body, only clearing just that amount of a split second of time. The main device is the Pyoricht of Pleiadian culture.
In one episode, I was taken into the body of a fish within the Pleiadian ocean on Pleiadia Planetary Sphere of Halcyon Aurali.
There is an event there once every 12,000 years where the East Current of The Pleiadian Atlantic, which is an ocean, shows a certain energy. This happens in more minor sequence at other times.
Within Atlantic, there are fishes called Patrol Fish, which are police and Safety Fish, which guide and Garbage Collection Fish, whom carry away fecalate and food leftovers.
There are also Character Fish, which are just as Clown Fish and with more distinct make - up like appearance.
I had to go into a Patrol Fish and detain him because he had a hostage whom he was going to eat.
The hostage was an Eel Squid named Ereskeex.
When a certain time period has past, and especially every 12,000 Pleiadian years, which are shorter than ours, the fish try to swim in the East Current because they know that to make the journey ensures them a rebirth into the heavanous paradise of The Pleiadian Angel, a 12-th dimensional life convection, and main deity of the Pleiades civili.
[ ]
The hostage criminal had been caught, because he had eaten too many in a harmful way.
Before he was killed, he could ask a question. The question was this: "I know you are to kill me, now. But, can you tell me this; when I am dead, how do I cover myself up with sand, as the other fish?"
I had told him, "Look! Just exam! It is needless to wonder, for when one dies, the sand will just cover over one whom is dead, in the sand. And of course no one has ever seen a fish which places sand over others. This is how it has been. Now, you will see it very clearly, for yourself."
The Character Fish was killed. Ereskeex was told not to thank, but to go, swim the southeast part; the last part of the Pleiadian East Current Swim. Then, he would go south to return to his family and not speak of what had happened, for they would worry.
Cheilah Orion Of Whale Supermind Culture
As the Pyoricht works within a consciousness' hypermind, there is also within human types, such as whales, and in most 'developed' species, an active supermind. The supermind of a whale travels through space, looking like him and his body on Earth is like the cosmic generator for his supermind body.
I had been guided into a Pyoricht operation wherein a whale whom had been named Orion, by his mother of course, had been sinking off the coast of South Carolina.
His Earth body was weak from not enough food and also strength, which they get from mental power.
I was in the body for three hours and one half, with one break in the middle of the plunge, as the operation is referred to.
Before leaving his own body, which happens through exiting the left eye, he said he would do the divine technique for me, which consists of resting, meditation, prayer and activity of some kind.
His name was Orion and he had very thick skin to hide his wise. Otherwise, if others knew he was wise, maybe he would be thin.
Cheilah Cheilah Of Pleidian Starmine Culture
Within the Pleaides, near Miope and some near Maia, are 56 blooms. Blooms are specially created by Pleiadian Gwam as a help center and Orion as creator as through his Orion Seeds.
They are stationary in orbit and range and have had very unusual succinction.
Many of them have on them creatures known as the Toofeet. They are two feet tall, specifically.
A plunge done into a helper to one toofeet was done. Chiela had been a Starmine. These are six inches wide and have a star body with five equilateral apexes, like star beams. They are triangular. They have a glade lade within, which is a luminscent phosphorescence. It is slightly pearlescent, but kind of matte in sheen (opposite glossy in sheen).
The starmine stood and locuted upright with a face upon the middle of their body, facing outward to front.
The legs they had are called larm starms. The arms, starms; the head is the headstrom.
The headstrom had a neurological connection with a relation to The Pleiadian Angel whom protects The Blooms.
She was in transit when I met her. They can fly and run and jump and fly and glide and swim.
The objective in tactic was to convince her to join another group of the then rare Starmine species. If she would not, she was going to starve. So, we danced and we played, together until she could be complete with the group.
She did not like the culture, so she was a hermit and eventually I came back to replenish the population.
They have a mating routine which is also friendship in which they tuzzle. They first stare at the stars and then touch starms, one left, one right. As movements increase, they obtain through this friendship device more burstar energy which emits extraeneous displays. They make light sparks and have movement energy by this increase. The burstar activities increase the radiance of the environment.
The first thing I had mentioned within the body was that the experience sensation was, "like being in a four - year - old human child, but with more light and heavenous energy."
At first, one will release a batch of specialized burstar material, which hangs itself slightly off the surface, as if by some support of non - material 'webbing', like macromet from the ground which supports above the floor.
The reproductive material is Starmine Fora, which is like spore, but the many parts eventually create a single new Starmine and you have to feed the apparatus when it is growing.
The second starmine leaves on top the same burstar of fora.
Cheila had three Starmine -- two had grown as twins after the first had already been somewhat formed, after its first trimester.
She had ended up giving them to the Starmine group so that she could continue her alonesque life predicate.
She wanted me to continue to be there. So, they made her a puppet which could stay there and she had learned that it was me in there at some times, but at others it was a designed routine.
I had to return to her to explain this way:
"It is true! I enter others bodies, from time to time, with regular Earth life in between. Why? Because that's... what I do...
That was when I disappeared and rejoined from her right side, so we could tuzzle some.
Another time, she had met Orion the whale's Superconsiosness and it was necessary to just explain to the whale that she had not had group behavior necessity and she did not know how to make a friendship connection, which they did in a happy way. Whales understand relationship very well.
I had been able to make her an astral copy, which she worked very well with.
The next time we met, the Starmine population had discontinued since the food supply was taken by an evil twin pair -- The Maayos.
I had to explain that she should not feel severely, since at least now that there are no Starmine, no Starmine will ever die, again.
An Arcturian agent had already explained about the loss of food supply and that the Starmine were now to be extinct. Cheilah had stricted herself to hibernation as the others searched for food and died without her, even as they did visit and she explained they made her sad because they were lazy. If they had not been, the Maayos would not have been able to do so.
Wuzzle tuzzle, means, "I will see you no more."
She had repeated sincerely that she understood, in the following way,"Starmine wuzzle tuzzle. Now, no starmine tuzzle. Now, no starmine wuzzle tuzzle."
At the sternum, related to the soul body, is a round luminous sphere called Locyss, which the Andromedens use for many creative projects.
This harnesses life frequency energy. Starmine Cheila's locyss was dissected after death and will be included into the New Angel Sphere through Andromeden style technology.
Chiela had wanted to know about The Midnight Land, which is the Starmine afterlife exam. This is different for each race.
I told her that she must not go there and that she would not go to The Midnight Land, but instead she would go directly to The Clear Castle, which is the Starmine culture heavenous paradise. I told her she would then live forever there, and even though she would not miss anyone, but would live perfectly there, I would come to visit there sometimes, when I was able to.
So, even though starmines are extinct and will never die, they will never live again. Instead of living again, they will find new material to survive within.
Cheila Mabel Of Grey Culture
I had met a grey named Mabel during a time I had been sleeping outside on a backyard deck.
Although some details were removed to reduce stress routine, I had identified that Mabel had escaped from the nearby airforce base.
Since his captors were inappropriate and since I have a fleet of crafts cloaked above me at all times, he was relieved and taken through Arcturian intercedence.
Since his body was dying, he utilized a specialized craft to fly into a quasar, which makes one part of the unaric, group mind population. They require more individuals for continued success of the Quasali perfection by through the unaric behavior routine.
Chiela Hyzoon Of Sirian Pleiadian Akkadan Earth Human Hygynx Culture
Hyzoon the Cheila had a genetic technique. There was argument among the quaternary sphere Pleiadia, Akkaden and other sphere about the Hygynx. The Hygynx contained pepsid or race - unique gene material from four of the important cultures of Sirian, Pleiadian, Akkadan, Earth Human.
These kind, the Hygynx, have been rare and were considered too powerful since some in all races will choose an evil route, generally.
Even though we have had a system of exomorph, created illusion of real form by the South Star Group, extraterrestrial interactions here do take place.
I had interaction with a Hygynx and even on her home worlds, she did not feel alike. As Sirians do not care about anything much but giving and giving recourse to strict advice, Pleiadians, Akkadans, Humans have different spectology. She was afraid that since she was distinct, then she must be ugly.
There was a special situation wherein the Orion deity at made an oracular connection with me, like we were spliced.
There is a way to take someone out of normal atmosphere and cover that up using mental inducement technology.
So, I had went with her to the Pleiades. I was at that time with her as hybridesque since I was half interlaced with a blue deity of Protonic amalgamation, protector of life.
We had the Akkaden mind lace and she would not stop thinking that she was ugly.
I found myself saying, "Just kill it."
"What does that mean?" Hyzoon said.
"Just kill it!"
"Just kill what? Why are you saying this to me?"
I found myself just forcing everything out like fora or beezlespoof, even, "Just kill it!"
We sort of fought, lunged in a way, there inside the moving tram car.
I had ended up picking her up and holding her out of the open window of the tram car.
We were taking the tram car up a peak of The Pleiadian Himalayas, to the place where Milarepa lives.
As she had screamed when being tossed over, when she was upside - down, she completely released herself and subsided a feeling of always risk at being seen.
She did not scream, or even react really, but slowly lifted her Sirian shaped head upwards, to the good and golden glory of the ground beneath us.
AFter that, she had no fear and at that moment, Orion released himself. He flew out of me and took her to his own planet, within the Zone Of Fire where it is located.
There, she was a happy guest. When she returned, after she had totally lost monitor contact from all others, even the more powerful Sirians, she had a charm.
There is a transference of extraterrestrially arranged energy given by Orion every rare time. Once each time there is an Orion seed, he transfers The Shadow Of Fire, which is a super - protection and super - destructive force, used kind of at will and with perfected elegance of behavior.
Chielah Andrew Of Earth Akkaden Outsource, 1996 Earth - Time - End - Date Timeline Culture
Andrew was actually another part of me. Since every one of us has another in each separate timeline, Andrew was me in the timeline wherein Earth had its Terminex event standard annihilation in 1996.
I have some recognizable memories from him, which do not come from introspecting other individuals.
In that timeline, after the Earth Akkaden Outsource program there, it would only work if one could not speak.
There was an abuse and Andrew had used his mind to stop his breathing. He was interned into a living facility and was relegated to a standard bed. He attempted suicide with the respirator and was put on a different one which would not let him try to do that again.
I have some post - solid memories of that and there has been some whom I have met whom had a timeline shift and could not understand anything much less how I could be walking and talking and able to pay more attention to them.
Andrew had been in the news because at times he could speak and would diagnose patients and give their names. Also, angels were always seen around his bed. Andrew had been many times in the public news for these events.
He had asked one day for watermelon, being the first things he spoke. They could offer him fruitcups of peaches or pears.
When one does ask for a pen, isn't it that no one will say in return, "We do not have a pen. Perhaps you would like to use either a paintbrush or a dildo, instead."?
Virtually no one says that. So, I pose, why does someone whom can no longer recognize external formation or have any reading ability left in his internally bludgeoned head have to eat something which he did not ask for, when he would rather just have nothing at all besides a slippery bunch of squishy wedges.
He had spent his time becoming beaten with a wet rope laced with sand.
Why do you not just forget about it and then just admit that you have an 'onion'?
When the boy was 14 years old, he had semenarche when his nurse told him about where she was going for two weeks; Malibu. "Good boy!" she said. "How on Earth would you know anything about Malibu? You grew up under the stairs leading down to a basement!"
Andrew had a primary nurse.
Before the last day of Earth for them, Andrew did not take the evening meal. When his nurse had made his favorite breakfast sample the next morning, which was oatmeal with fruit in it, she walked into his room.
Andrew said to her, ""
He looked glad. He looked out the window. How fast the sun was rising. How fast the sun had risen. Also, the sun had left a piece of itself, which was about to shine through the window, then the venetian blinds in front of a yard with a garden, which Andrew had never seen, for he had never turned his head in the four years he had been a patient, except at that exact scene.
His body was usurped by the Akkaden Optix. She does this herself personally, every time.
He was placed on the Eleviddian Bloom of the Pleiades. Jesus, whom has his outpost within Sirius 1, did surgery on him, removing parts of his physical memory, which can be re - inducted or copied.
Among the Angelic race there, the Pleiadian Eleviddian Angels created by Jesus, there is one male eunich whom is Yonnic the Cheila, whom was Andrew, whom was even on the news when Earth had life on it.
Each month he talks to the angels there using transcendent consciouss state and lights; a system also built by Jesus.
He speaks about the past month: what was needed and what was improved, what was important. Then, he talks about the upcoming month in relation to the same.
The angels listen to him, and he asks for nothing.
Also, his memory, which has been preserved and removed for his survival sake, will have parts put into New Angel Sphere so that it can consciously recognize violent patterns, before behavior.
Cheila Grace Pyoricht Of Earth Pleiadian Akkadan Outsource Culture
The Pleiadian Army features some from the Earth Pleiadian Akkaden Outsource Program.
This is part of the large Akkaden Outsource Program, which makes the super - soldiers for a variety of cultures, done within the Delvic Shelf of Sirius, where Akkaden is situated.
Grace Pyroricht the Cheila is one whom has been separated from the Etheric Consciousness, as I and some others have been in relation to devices of the Ex Vynx. The Ex Vynx devices such as Nibiru and a slew of others related to the different parts of Earth in particular, require and etheric consciousness to operate.
Hers is in The Eswam, or Swamae. This is like The Nexus, or Nibiru. Another is The Zoon, or Zion. There are also among others The Sphinx and Eniru, The Peacock.
There is a version of the Pyoricht plunge called the Pjyazzo.
The Pjyazzo is used in reproductive reference. Within effect of specialized Sine wave energy, a species mate. A Pyoricht - like conduct, the Pyiazzo is rigged with one parner above and hanging down and one below facing up.
A unique motion of Sine wave sounds, a routine of communication are traded.
In this design, one can kill another using words. This can happen in the range of detraction in death or overstimulation and overstimulus response. Balance is needed.
The female first maneuvers a blue tadpole - like formation into the laryss, which is a part of the soul formation like the locyss, the mental sphere at the sternum, but is reproductive and is four finger - widths down from the naval.
The male then maneuvers a red synthesis around that. This effects the combination within the ovum. Also, the intitial process must be initiated and completed without a mistake after the time the cells are eight, but not before they are sixteen, because the creation will be a 'complex' design.
The red and the blue require a couple tries, explaination of problems in balance and re - return to have the red and blue balance around the new life.
When this feature is displayed, the three have a relationship in that the father is the Eagle, the mother the Swan, and the child the Sparrow.
The Sparrow of the Swan and the Eagle, here is named Leelei whom lives on Texilis Bloom of Pleiades and has rebuilt a temple which is a learning center
An explanation of Leelei is in the next Chiela Biography.
Chiela Leelei Of Texilis Pleiadian Bloom Culture
Leelei lives on Texilis, a Pleiadian Bloom such as formerly active Starmine described in Starmine Cheila's unique biography.
She has a device in relation to the Pleiadian Chimera Family she has, which consists of a mother and a father from whom she was concieved as through a specialized Sine wave device, The Pjyazzo.
She is sparrow, her father is eagle, her mother is swan in her Chimera Family.
She has a device which is a specialized material. It has a round orb on top of a box the same relative size, with a notch out of one side. She can use it to call the astral bodies of either her eagle or her swam.
This is an Eagle Calling.
Leelei is part of the Akkadan Outsource Program as Super - Soldier.
She had been walking en masse with a work outfit of 2,500. The group were transplanting from their own underground colony to a work colony. This was in February 11 of 2004 and they had finished production of a temple complex February 22 of 2011.
There had been a period of a year and half wherein I was entered into the occasion over seven years to witness various things of the work site.
She had been not allowed to make an Eagle Calling, but she had known to just visualize the device and it would not be detected, even though those times were unique to when she was able to use the device without a detection of enemies.
We had sort of prompted one another on one occasion, and I hugged her as I was on her boat. It felt really real and I then felt myself sinking and even wondering about air issues as she stayed on the boat and we glanced into one anothers' eyes.
Even her mother and I once got caught in a certain anomolous routine called Entering The Red Web, which was never supposed to be possible under technological conditions present.
When the group was first arriving, she was able to call me in the oracular format, with the Orion interlace present. There were green humanoids hidden in small caves in the mountains whom would use tectonic devices. These cannons cause tectonic bursts, which blow bodies into parts as well as tear up the ground and range.
She was glad to know about this and Orion made some glance as I was at a time gliding within him and it could be understood that he wanted me to see that I was not a fake as much as he was not a fake.
These green humanoids kind of went into a daze because they had seen him and returned home on a different route to have a normal way of life, instead.
They had turned.
Within progress, the team lost around 700, but some were born, even if not enough were. Couples within a team add a lot of progress to the community if the resources can realistically provide.
By February 22, 2011, they had completed a massive statue of Orion in a human form.
There is a system of temples, which are used for teaching and learning. One part in particular gives training on how to succeed within the death exam. Mostly, elderly people take class, there and others whom are expected to die, soon. What happens when they take the class is that they typically live thirty years of fifty years longer.
There are unique classes for children, as well as classes about bodily beautification, healing, language, spirituality, diplomacy skill, meditation arts... Dance is outside, only, and can be done atop the cliff near Orion's head, or on the ground floor beneath his extended arm depending on the circumstance and style of dance. There is also philosophy and even storytelling.
A city is around it of 5,000 to 6,000 Pleiadian people, participants of the temple.
It is a religious culture whom learns actual useful elements to be applied in a useful way by their people.
There is a lot of appreciation for the Texilis people and what they have done with their work, using a lot of physical effort and strength, to build a progression of truth made apparent through knowledge gained from interaction with the structures and people whom are there.
Texilis is where the New Angel Sphere will be guided in to stay as station for a long time, until at least 2044.
I am extending some astral travel connection effort to this place. Please, do not do so in a violent way but one is encouraged to go in peace and if possible prayer and just go and wake, there, with the Texilis people and the Orion Temple of Texilis Bloom, in Pleiades.
Right now, she is using device design to connect to the Rainbow Code as well. She is designing new lief fiber for the Orion Planes. The lief is a new system of protection sequence layer as armor for the space planes, which are transporters as well as tactical vehicles. They are an Akkadan - Sirian hybrid of influence design, with Pleiadian energetics' lace -- a chimera arrangement.
Leelei is 19 years of age, by Earth calendar count as of January of 2012. Since a Sirian - relayed message has been given to me for the New Angel Sphere as thus, "Do not call home on Decemeber 17. Go home on December 17," I hope I can be able to see her by her 19th, which is important to the custom of her religious life.
Orion.Of.Oraii 9.19.2011
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