Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Dragon Genetic Lace Development

The Dragon Genetic Lace Development

On September 24, 2011 at 3:30 pm [KTM] New Angels received a new genetic interlace. 

There is a conceptual amalgamation which does appear, which is The Octogenarium. 

The Octogenarium contains all life's individual genetic sequences.  It rests 'as if' at the beginning of time, which is not really where it is, exactly.  There has been no actual beginning of time, so it abides within a temporal environment relatively 'close' to a beginning of time.

The Sirians are able to go to the Octogenarium, identify individual genetic prints, and insert laces which will then provide themselves newly from the first start of genetic sequence.

So, the redactment extends to the beginning of our own individual life.

The super - creature which has been linked through genetic lace of Octogenarium is a dragon.

The Sirian name design for a dragon is Lestervit, which is ancestral to The Susphynx, the lizard humanoid race based in the Pleides whom are the most aggressive violence - attack race.

At the start, as the Lestervit Dragon was among the first life races to take place as of Hereron Unity Matrix, it had been a protector to life, to contain it, so that it did not go too far away from the life sphere, which had not yet been encapsulated by Orion Unity Entity Life Form which we call Hereon Unity Matrix, now*.

This induction has been because an individual whom I know had been induced into New Angel Sphere.  He is a human version of the first Lestervit which came whom is seperate yet distinct.  These are like the Arcturians whom have a population of Arcturian versions of Earth Humans.  This is a relatively extensive concept based on versional appearances of single forms of life.  We each have a multitude of respective life forms whom are us, yet are seperate individuals.

The one whom was induced and whom had this coded effect upon New Angels will not be named in verse because I do not have his permission to put his name here.  He can be called out of perfect respect and appreciation for his admirable qualities, The Dragon Rinpoche**. 

I personally appreciate all others becoming part of the sequence of events which we will be experiencing.

You can read my advice, which says that courage has a special benefit now and so please, as we are working to improve eviction possibility from disasterous event,

"Be friends unto another and others as one is unto oneself," which would be to follow what can be notated as The Golden Cloud Rule Of Friendship.  The Golden Cloud Rule Of Friendship follows a spoken - of Golden Rule Of Research which says that one should: "Do unto others, in research, as one would like to have others do unto them, in research."

Orion.Of.Oraii 9.26.11


* An article should be provided to explain Unity Entity Life Forms in a more complete detail.  However, an outcome is available through the Cheila Orion Seeds Biographies: Yarliss Of Unity Entity Life Form Cheila.   

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