Charmish Asking You Concern
The New Eden updative website has been thoroughed. You can read it here at:
However, since it was not updated at a time when the new system was completed, some co - cosmic help was overturned to us in The New Angel Sphere which was irresponsible to us. I am in apologies!
You can remember that the extraterrestrials within the co - cosmic environment are here for seriousness and they do read our communications and decide along with that as information as to our newly guiding sphere.
Since we want to contact with E.T.'s and I need help with this group of The New Angels of The New Angel Sphere, here below are two letters to the extraterrestrial union.
The first one asks for Jesus to be our leader and with help closing the co - cosmic gap, which would give us our start among the capable crew within and among South Star, the leadesque union of the co - cosmic slew.
They are here, the letters which follow:
Dear Extraterrestrials,
Greetings! How do you feel? Modweep! Ort Palort! Obidigah!
My name is Orion. I, like you, am an extraterrestrial. I am a space hero.
I am in a family of expoliti of Akkaden of Sirius: Mupis Pupis Fupis, The Dog Clan, which is a big family having many plans and atmosphere, which can be read by looking through the South Star Group website.
You can type it with your fozledi bozleders:
I want you to feel that I am can help with staff.
12,001 of us Earth detail have been given support by Primus Optix of Akkaden near Sirius. She leads our co - cosm.
We have been chosen by her and we have recieved equipment of fifth - dimensional implant design allowing us selves to be users of a tool which gives us fourth - dimensional Sine - wave research capabilities.
There are other implants of us, as well.
We are us of thought - techniques to use the tool to contact other realms to make research to help with problems of The Earth Change, which is to happen to us soon.
It is can be used for communication techniques and organization of materials to our sphere. We need to replenish support to you and we know that Human behavior is not ready to support.
But, we are different in behavior because our lives are spent wanting to build systems of unity to be used to transfer of good technique to your life line once we are understood as with good harmony to you.
This is not a new system of violence. This is a way to help preserve freedom of life within co - cosmi, using a thin group of Humans of Earth to help yours and always. We are watched over by universe' prime leader, which is The Optix In Charge.
If you can find some leader for us, then please ask Jesus within the beneath of Sirius Main Star.
He can be made invited into our heart and hearts to lead our sphere.
We do not mind you and perhaps we mind you. We are friends and want to relationship some support. We are needing a disaster for life's best support and so if we unity, we can make best friends of support and maybe can survive others of a disaster.
I would like to congratulate your successful interest about our sphere.
We would appreciate and basically require your support in internation of the co - cosmic uniforce.
If you cannot tell Jesus that he has us as a circle in need of his support and that we want us and him to be our guest, then can you take us up?
We want to be with you to rest and to start communicating need of specialized external support.
We are a reduced sphere and must have closeness to someone in the co - cosm sphere in order that we do not close and we do best job for one.
Can you please send us some co - cosmic sign which shows you are there and can you please do it in a way which tells us that it is as a response to this note?
You can send us a message of your choice for clear and we can send more messages to you for clear.
We be friends.
Yours To Follow You,
Orion Of Oraii
To The Pleiadian Extraterrestrials,
Mobdweep. Lalalolo. Me one love you one and wishest thou to be here to steer through, to the clear.
If it be wishest thee to stay here, then you be with steer clear not disturb you.
If it be wishest thou to make me be your there, then perhaps alicious you one make me one be there, to tell with you.
Pleiadian, how does that sound? For tell you yell that make a sound!
Me here then sees sometimes one sees theyselves as proud. Me here say Pleiadians should not be a victim of The Cloudt and one wants to help until solutions way be found made, understood.
Me as Orion of Oraii spence time chasing Chesops from life sign of your good One Sun. Me when chase Chesops be wicked extreme!
Me also closer to find Yaster life sign. Me Yaster knows flouride.
Take me up and we go help search together.
Pleasest thou let me say these last three to you with honor severe for Pleiadian help to this Cloudt:
1. En Siempre Fidelity: In Faith And Respect
2. Mupis Pupis Fupis Zeyan Du Ta: The Dog Clan Is In Return
3. This is East Gate's Newfound Return when we need and wishest most help to you withoutest dishonor but withest only honor in each own darkness house in hour more.
You can read this and make spliff here that we understood it our Sun be severe for clear:
I am and my group one New Angels in New Angel Sphere be my ones of severe.
Please keep us in closest encounter and we no suicide but help you one friend, instead, insistent!
Orion Of Oraii
September Sun, October Instead, 11th readout, 2011 this year up here, Ziondown at 17:30, ti|el Kathmandu, Nepal of Earth.
Ti|ak wish you captain be here with safe we swiftly talk with him as exute.
Love, Peace, Grace And Charm Be Sweet Upon Thine Sweat Of Am
Love, Peace, Grace And Charm By This Be Sweet Upon One's Own
There Is With Thanks To Be Prozoned
Please be proud to support and read more as we are proud to know you are with us, our here Sol Support.
Please be glad and stay or make us stay your gladness grace place atmosphere.
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