Friday, October 7, 2011

Informational Outcome: The Andromeden Curio: Indigo Tone, The Magenta Astrali Overtone, The Orangali Fleurali Lief, The Green Stem, The Petilis Petilonis Has Been Added To The South Star Group's Web Page

A new informational outcome entitled:

The Andromeden Curio:  Indigo Tone, The Magenta Astrali Overtone, The Orangali Fleurali Lief, The Green Stem, The Petilis Petilonis

Has been added to and is also here, below.  It is about The Indigo Program as hazed by The Andromeden and has been variably progressed as they made other continuences of races from the aspect of Indigos, they did it with a former - rogue enemy race, The Gemli.  You can read more, below:

This information outcome discusses The Andromeden E.T. race especially in relation to positive input strategies they have induced for Earth population. 

These positive input strategies discussed below are The Indigo Tone, The Violet Protection, The Magenta Astrali Undertone, The Orangali Lief, The Green Stem, The Petali Petilonis.

The Andromedens have as negative - aspect copies, intermiaries, The Gemli.  A small group of Gemli Rogues have improved their DNA sentencing structure to turn it into a positive race and the device they used upon themsevles as destroyed in an explosion they had made for their own remnant, non - tennable population.

As Andreomedens developed for Earth The Indigo Tone, The Violet Protection and The Magenta Astrali Overtone; the friendly Gemli have made for Earth The Orangali Lief, The Green Stem, The Petali.
As the Andromeden programs which are positive input strategies focus on tonality to the inside of individual mentum, the Gemli have positive input strategies which focus upon tonality of individual bodily corpus.
The Indigo Tone, The Magenta Astrali Undertone, The Violet Protection will be included, followed by The Orangali Fleurali, The Green Stem, The Petalonis.

These are Earth Races.  The name given to these races is Curio Races: Humani Indigo Tone, Humani Magenta Astrali Undertone, Humani Orangali Fleurali, Humani Green Stem, Humani Petalonis.  
In 1973, Andromedens placed a device in lower Earth orbit with exomorphographics making it hidden.  It put a surface over the Earth and as consciousnesses came into new life, this device effected their tonal outcome. 

As it effected all life here, only some souls could be laced by it, including it in their body as a soft - spoken undertone.

This has been described popularly and was pioneered into public literature by [], three years after the device created The Indigos.  It was recognized that certain children whom had special post to the device could heal, see spiritual characteristics and had particularly recognizable talent with a characterised set of behavior abilities.  The design would quick - connect to ones whom had a certain DNA tie, like a familial history to them as from an applicable ancestry.

There was a race which could not be prodacted by the South Star interface.  These were fourth - DNA creatures, life codes of fourth dimensional biology.  They are attracted to a special code which signifies that a child is dying.  Their job is to take the child to their own heavenous place.  The consciousness had to be guided through Arcturian control personnel not to go to the heavenous place unless it could be seen as useful by the unique experiencer to actually go there.

The race of white luminious orbs were not controlled by South Star and some children did make the transfer to the heavenous place, dying.  They would incorrectly recognize the tone as being a soul ready for The Afterlife Exam and would try to take them up to their own paradise.
The reason why this was taken out and continued with other developed versions was mainly hubris obsession as people would remark 'proudly' and 'separately' about their Indigo - related outcomes and aggressive nature took over.

This was learned from and as a kind of balance, other projects for toning such as The Indigo Tone were put in place which took the mistakes as lessons to build something effectively better.
The Andromeden Curio

The Magenta Astrali Overtone replaced The Indigo Tone to correct the hubris irresponsibility and response to inappropriate concerns also repeated by public individuals, especially within online industries, related to The Indigos.

This also created fear as people thought that they may craft a method to totally take over Earth as to its life, its society, its industry, its educational support, and so on.
The Magenta Astrali Overtone added more sympathy towards collective ability of the prone user of the overtone.  As Indigos had often expressed concern that with their talent they could be seen as something different and harmed, The Magenta Astrali Overtone would breech any ideal of normal or normalcy and people became confused into a safe behavior status and also left Indigos to have their own range.  Indigos were left with an ease in appreciating society, as other species which became engaged left not 'everything to them' to increase peace in society.

Also, one can more 'successfully' be Indigo with The Magenta Astrali Overtone over it, protecting from difficulty as a result of the forced exclusionism which did go on.

Bad - natured Indigos were also at loss to reserve themselves as best after other Humani Tone Races' appearances did take charge.

This  project was made in part by The Gemli with The Andromedens and was a cliff - off of the induction of further projects like this, afterwards.

The next part of The Andromeden Programs used The Gemli's empathy towards physical tonation; making the body into an effective usefulness as other tonations could also be there.

The Humani Tone races created by Andromeden with Gemli have been:

The Orangali Lief Of The Gemli

The Green Stem Arootment Of The Gemli

The Petali Petilon Of The Gemli

The Orangali, Green Stem and Petali races have different common bodily features which can be mixed.
They function in behavior resulting from their outer lief, in a similar way an Indigo or Magenta speci would function in behavior resulting from their inner intonation.

The Gemli are interesting as a rogue support race which went from intermiary enemy to interfiary friendly.
They can be called a rogue support race because their continuence will help others in joining them as rogues.
There are only seventeen Gemli since a disaster in which one created a device to make Gemli genes into friendly, including some and destroying the rest in an explosion from the device.
The incorporation of the lift of tonation which created The Indigo Tone on Earth was transferred in an idea of later technology.  The Arch - Optix being the primus arch - dictator of Nexili Galaxy had a thought to put a destructive tone over Nexili, so she could destroy us.

The Primus Optix whom is the primus dictator of Nexili Galaxy and most other ranges took this and realized that she could put a tonation skien related to The Rainbow Code, which is a transference of energy from an E.T. device - array located in Sirius.

Primus had gone behind Arch - Primus and had teased her development of the destructive skien and provided an implement which would turn it from being destructive to being creative.  When it happened, Arch - Primus decided, "It's nice," which is anomolous for her racial capability as a Luciferian distinction specialized in the field of destruction.

The device design was advised by a stitch and so came our new cosmic controli, The Rainbow Code.
The result, activated September 14, 2001, was and has been The Rainbow Web or The Rainbow Skien as called by one's own excise and is aligned with The Rainbow Code of the Sirius transmitter.

The Rainbow Web transfers information to life in Nexili and can be enhanced through non - detectable implants.

There are not life besides microbes which do not have a related implant as this method of 'everyone gets a toast' all - inclusiveness pattern has been designed by The Arcturian E.T.'s.

Microbes have a 'soft' connection to its effect since they cannot have implants, but emitters send a special tone to them and they can have food appear to them in place of information, which gives them a fourth - D satisfaction.  These are fourth - dimensionally based Sine - wave empathination designs, enhancing empathy among us as well as conducting informational routine as the primary considerable outcome of the station.
A specialization is taking place as 12,000 Earth Humans are programmed into The New Angels Group to be enlisted into a strategic functional living environment to help with the E.T. guided sequence to come during 2012 including interfiary and intermiary interaction; with culture, in war.

As many implants are progressively being added to our cerebellums activating The Rainbow Code, we are evolving into a New Human Race of extraterrestrial nature.

This goes along with The Etreyu theorem, which is to descend in order to ascend with anyone else whom can also ascend or else be disengaged of their own ground.


In conclusion, The Andromedens' creation of The Indigo Tone transmitting station and later The Magenti Astrali Overtone lead way for a chance to do research and have product with their former arch - enemies The Gemli.
As The Gemli have been producing Orangali, Green Stem, Petilon and other variational entities, we have witnessable contact with extraterrestrial entities.
As awareness of E.T.'s must be progressed to benefit from help which they may give us if we do, we have as option a brief look into the person's eyes smiling at us.  As progression will make extraterrestrial appreciation to us more manifest, a relief is given from new modern - age landing pad culture caused by a disbelief attitude, which must be replaced by efforted self - guidance with informational aptitude. 
Real knowledge is our 'Obiwan Kenobi' -- our only real hope for unified best force, for this one.

Orion.Of.Oraii 10.8.11

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