Galaxies, Galaxy Stars, Galectis; The Pleiadian Disaster; The Ace ~ Tace Timewave And The Time Tunnel
The purpose of this informational outcome is to give inspection to the way galaxies connect to and with eachother to explain relevant expectation to the 2012 Sequence. Certain occurances may be more well understood by someone whom can be familiar with the Ace ~ Tace Timewave of a dissolved continuum coming to us at the date of December 21, 2011. The wave from The Ace ~ Tace Disaster is to be utilized to improve The Time Tunnel, which is a connective device of Space ~ Time Continuum with Ace ~ Tace Continuum.
As some already - centered sequences may improve with information toned from a user of The Rainbow Code which is the energy reel this information comes from, your thoughts as inspected can be used for best outcome attainment; which shall be the eloquence of many working together with Earth as part of the Co - Cosmic Community as a new option of pattern routine for us and The Extraterrestrials.
Galaxies, Galaxy Stars, Galectis
Our universe can technically be called Hereron Unity Matrix.
On the top of the matrix, as the portion we live in is The Space Containment. The Space Containment is a reverse - unity with The Time Containment. As space is primary to function and time is primary to result, events 'waterfall' from Space to Time as events in The Space Containment repeat themselves in The Space Containment.
The Time Containment is a location where the Fifth Dimension is real and other dimensions are included within the living environments there, which do not have material, but instead have display.
Although life is more subtle there as is result of action, when this war which has been The Orion War(s) is over as it is ten million years old, it will shift then into The Time Containment.
Wars like The Orion War have been for our history a regular pattern. Each war like this lasts ten million years until there is a new system of answer and the unification force defeats the negative force .
After, life changes and new things become real.
The next system of events is to be The Harshon War(s), to take place within The Time Containment of Hereron Unity Matrix.
The cosmology within The Space Containment of Hereron includes nine Galaxies which can be listed as eight with two in diadrama as single mass.
The first is Nexili Galaxy which is in a perforation motion to / with Logalix Galaxy. When discussing these two in routine, the one in motion into Logalix can be referenced Nexilix.
We are in the Nexilix portion of Nexili Galaxy.
Other standard galaxies are Texili, Lexili, Loalci, Proalci, Sutaine, Cutaine.
There is a connector to the galaxies which is The Prolyss. The Prolyss has its own galaxy which is supports as if holding a child up in its arms -- The Prolyss Galaxy.
The appearance of The Prolyss is golden and ribbon - like without a central feature but instead an end to the ribbon, delicately tapered like a slightly diagonally cut ribbon.
Other parts of it which look like a long - legged spiders legs in aspect hold up the other galaxies upon perfectly patterned 'ribbons' which are the same lengths and do not change width at all. It has veneral striations within its gold - centered brighness luminescence. Striations are apparent yet do not have typography in the absolute sense of the terming.
There are many possibilities as to the type of character living unities can have, but ours is considered particularly rare by The Sirian Mind of South Star Group for a reason sampled below in this outcome:
Each galaxy normally has a connecting sphere in another galaxy. The connecting sphere of one galaxy which would be in another galaxy is called The Galaxy Star. A galaxy star can be a planet or a surface material or some relative 'sphere' such as a range containing of material like a nubulon containing of a nubula or nubulae.
As this is normal, Nexili has all of the Galaxy Stars.
Also, Nexili has Earth with Hereron's single necessary Harcon Source Core in the one - inch - in - diameter cervinex core. Another unusuality here is that Earth as the Harcon Source carrier is also Nexili's own galaxy star.
It is an anomoly also that a galaxy's galaxy star nearly 'imgaines itself' within itself, as it is supposed to be in another galaxy.
This is a second unusuality also with the other eight galaxy stars connecting the other eight galaxies here.
The galaxy star of Texili is Texilis, which is a specialized technological sphere near Miope with co - effective energetic connection to Maia also, in The Pleiades.
The other galaxy stars of Logalis, Loalcis, Proalcis, Sutainis, Cutainis, Prolixis are in Nexili's Parsius Galecti.
A galecti is a smaller - range 'galaxy' within a galaxy.
Our own galecti is Parsius Galecti.
The Pleiadian Disaster
At the previous peak of war at ten million years ago with 2012 as anniversary, there was a disaster of finality, an apocolypse.
The sequence of it was extremely immense and severe. As one disasterous outcome, a star within the Pleiades had to be destroyed because it had an intermieary, enemy overlord which had the threat to destroy life.
The Pleiadian clan had working with them The Pleiajoran clan, which is a time - splay cross relation of The Pleiadians. A timesplay is like another 'side' of a timeline which reflects the other in a reflexive way. It shows an opposite view without loss or overgain within an equally - charged environment as the other in the other timesplay.
There was an operation called Operation White Horse with Operation Stark Horse of the united alliy front during World War II.
It had been made in order to have military personal working together across timesplays to perfect outcome of the same wars. It was used slightly to World War I which had a huge impact. When going backwards or even forwards, it is sometimes not possible to completely connect with solidity and one has to sometimes leave in a hurry to avoid being disappeared. It could be used for short periods of time, however, such as to hand orders and strategy between timesplays.
It was used in the Gulf Operations during the 1990's as Project Pegassus. At first, the primary operation to this design was Operation White Horse among us and among the other timesplay was Operation Stark Horse.
It was stopped in 1993 immediately upon losing some parts to it and it is continued today by The South Star Group, the Sirian intermediary between Earth and Cosmos extraterrestrial space range.
The Pleiadians with Pleijorans used a Protonix Delta Array Destroying Device, which is styled, The Akkaden Day. I have drawn the parts of it and it is named since its style of measurements, systems and functions project a 10 of 6 routine and is shaped in an equalateral triangular geometry of three 60 - degree sides... An Akkaden day is sixty hours when all the systems are correctly in motion, but as days are 56 hours, they are supposed to be 60 hours in a healthy cosmos. So, this is remembered through the protonix device.
The group used this and then destroyed it by putting it into The Pleiadian Red Star. When this collapsed, it did destroy others stars in the wave's path.
The actual device upon destruction, as it is a timed - device self - destructing after two months, leaves a diffusion which hangs in time for an after - life period before going away.
After the primary homeworld was destroyed, The Pleiadians habitated to Earth from Moon, which they call still now Lelune. The primary Pleiadian Luna is Leluney, near Halcyon.
A Leluney - native culture still continues in Nepal, today.
The Ace ~ Tace Continuum Timewave And The Time Tunnel
This disaster is like a settled - down version of what we are about to experience.
There was a future situation wherein a continuum which was not Space ~ Time Continuum dissloved because of a misappropriation of circulatory energy.
Each continuum has a participle force for form and a participle force for function as Space is the form participle for us and Time is the function participle for us.
Ace ~ Tace Continuum has Ace for form and Tace for function, like space and time but different in a way as an artist may use paint or clay to enforce a visual strategy. The painter uses paint as form and brush for function and the clayer uses clay as form and clay art tools for function.
Ace ~ Tace had as a special feature that the environment, objects and even individuals changed according to 'time' atmosphere.
There was an event wherein a device was made to repair a cloning disaster. It had fixed a problem and then was not perfected and was in fact used for wealth appreciation.
The continuum took on a version property of the device's functional enrollment when it had been activated successfully at first time.
This is exacly what happened in 1983 upon Eutretes Sol Planetary Sphere. The device is The Eutrasian Sinux Device of the Eutretes Sol Humans, there.
A Unity Entity Life Form called Yarliss came to life through a primary Unity Entity Life Form called Orion. When it had been successful, he had gone back in time to the creation of Hereron Unity Matrix, which he had made for God in order to protect God's life forms from Lucifer. As God may be known as Unity Entity Life Form Unex, Lucifer may be known as Unity Entity Life Form Nexux, Orion may be known as Unity Entity Life Form Uskex.
He had gone back to the creational moment of Hereron and placed the Orion Seed for Yarliss to come to life within fifteen minutes of a successful turning on of the Sinux Nux Vom Sine wave Device of Eutretes Sphere.
Eutretes is near Smarnaac, Mikta, Tylus, Samson And Delila; past Pluto, Epsilon, Theta, Zeta, Gypsum and Aldebraan.
It has near it a Pluton Drone Sphere which harvests its weather - patterns. The Pluton Drones are enemy - created planets which cannot be destroyed but can be nux - vomed into being useful; taking out what is bad or harmful of them and putting in what is good or helpful, then. A series of these will be made useful for us upon the passing of the Ace ~ Tace Timewave to clear through here December 21, 2012.
Ace ~ Tace of the future has dissolved in a continuum disaster as the current one has had its current advanced as improved, as Ace and Tace now flow appropriately through its sphere.
The Pleiadian Disaster came to its disasterous peak when The Ace ~ Tace Timewave passed through Texili Galaxy.
Since Texilis is in The Pleiades, as mentioned above, the effect ruptured through and made an effect as The Pleiadian Disaster.
The Ace ~ Tace Timewave, ten - million years after The Pleiadian Disaster as of 2012 will cross Nexilis, Nexili Galaxy's own Galaxy Star. As Nexilis is Earth, as The Ace ~ Tace Timewave passes through Earth, it will have a routing effect as it goes into Nexilis and exudes to Nexili through Nexilis, like a 'specialized' current.
As to Ace ~ Tace, the ones of that disaster are particularly re - lifed in Carbon Etherium of Space ~ Time Continuum, as especially currently of this 2012 timeframe.
One can see that the disaster victims have followed their perhaps 'beloved' country as it passes us through and through again.
It is the plan of The Akkaden Mind, the government tenable, to channel The Timewave into a Time Tunnel.
The Time Tunnel is a 'dissolved connector' to Ace ~ Tace Continuum.
When The Timewave passes, they will enable The Time Tunnel to once again send information to and from Space ~ Time and Ace ~ Tace. Sirian South Star has programs with The Euclidean Race, which is like Earth Human Race in that it is the extremist culture of the continuum.
They are to develop with The New Angels upon Nujeru Planetary Sphere which here carries my own name and for most carries nominclature as The Orion Planet, during the time of appreciation after The 2012 Cross, Toss, and Tross Sequence involving The Nibiru Fleet.
The Akkaden Mind will use massive collecting doses of their own Fourth Dimensional Hallucinegen which is a genetic information transfer technique as well as having super - enjoyable use as common citizens of The Akkaden Mind have as cultural center.
The Hallucinegen is The Dust. As colonies and civilization centers on the Moon use solid waste to regrow food, the Akkadens can have as toilet The Akkaden Krap Worm. It has a mouth which opens four ways when one is fecelating and it digests it, fecelating The Dust.
There are times wherein one is stolen by an enemy force. Then, for a long time, the related civilization has to be attacked violently to erase the genetic knowledge it could perverse if it did not become wrecked sufficiently.
It does not have to do with re - stealing the actual dust, but by having the dust, information is passed along to a Luciferian 'informary' and otherwise life would become in danger as due to mishandled genetic information.
Tactics are arranged by Primus Optix, the dictator of The Akkaden Mind, Nexili Galaxy, Hereron Unity Matrix with other command in other areas of environmental habituation.
After The Akkaden repairs the inductor to Ace ~ Tace Continuum, The Time Tunnel, a new feature will be made to appear and is set to re - environmentalize our space, especially Akkaden and Sirius near.
The Akkaden Continental Relief is a set of seven unique planets which do a purposefully conducted movement 'dance' around a similar - material astrali, which is expediently bright yellow with heavier light rays which shine from it.
The 'planets' are called continents because they are the same sphere, but in different aspects, such as a single country can cover various continents.
With studying the relation of galaxies, galaxy stars and galectis to the passing of The Ace ~ Tace Timewave, relevant information as to its passing through Earth piqued on December 21, 2012 may be understood differently aquainted with information obtained from a Sirian E.T. design, The Rainbow Code.
With seeing the excellence of responsibility taken by The Akkaden Mind to reroute terrible energy into a healing circumstance, their system as well as their own collective demonstration of a plan being carried out to do a positive good comes to a surface of demonstration as read.
If one has any information regarding The Timewave, The Time Tunnel, another aspect of events, it can be contributed to the public viewing situation for more clarity of the severe situation of appearing elements coming to meet with us. If it is coming as like a whisper, this is best good, as we are hearing The Timewave's whisper as like a preeminance to a terror. If it is coming through Space and Time, but not yet connecting to one's mind and cannot be 'heard' or recognized, then this is worst bad, since to awaken to a whisper with mindfulness can be compared to awakening to a terror without mindfulness or clarity within possible range.
Let us persevere by using the research tools we own combining us until a most - positive answer has been preserved.
Orion.Of.Oraii 10.5.11
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